View Full Version : Appendicitis fear...again

06-01-07, 08:42
Hi all,
Started again with stomach pains last night and they are still here this morning. They come and go and are like spasms...often on right hand side and in hip area. I seem to have lots of gas as well...sorry! [:I] I am worrying about appendicitis again. Have had a stressful few days so wonder if it could be just ibs / anxiety? I can press hard on my abdomen all over the right hand side and no more pain is produced, i do not feel sick or have a temperature. Can anybody reassure me please? I need to nip this in the bud before i start to really go into panic overdrive again.



"Instead of seeing the rug being pulled from under us, we could learn to dance on a moving carpet." - Anon

06-01-07, 16:34
Hello,I dont think its an appendicitis,it sounds like a build up of wind.Wind can be really painful,take it from someone who knows.Try to drink some warm water,a few glasses its very soothing,or some camomile tea with honey.;)

Ellen XX

06-01-07, 20:14
Hi. I agree it sounds like wind to me too. I find that it can be really painful. When I had my baby the physiotherapist at the hospital gave me some peppermint tonic (not sure what it was but you could ask the pharmasist about it) otherwise you could try peppermint tea. Don't forget that you can get wind when you get anxious, it is just your body getting rid of the build up of gases. Also prodding will not make the pain disappear and could prolong it (my occupational therapist told me that!!).

miss diagnosis
07-01-07, 11:26
I was admittted to hospital a couple of years ago with suspected appendicitis.I was burning a fever puking green stuff and basically in a heap so if you had appendicitis you wouldnt even be able to turn on your pc!

turns out i dint have it anyway but those are the symptoms

07-01-07, 17:14
Hi all,

Thanks for the reassurement. The pains stopped after a few hours...and havent returned. I know deep down that i would feel much more ill if i had appendicitis, it's just really difficult to see logic when you are focussing inward and caught in a panic cycle.

Thanks again.


"Instead of seeing the rug being pulled from under us, we could learn to dance on a moving carpet." - Anon