View Full Version : Hello and looking for support :)

03-12-14, 03:41
Hi there - so great to have found this forum. Since a traumatic bereavement some 13 years ago I've had 'anxiety' episodes recur every few years. The worst was 3 years ago when I was off work for 8 weeks. I'd previously had seroxat with no problems but when I was put on it then I felt dreadful, to the point where I was given beta blockers. Dr then switched me to cipralex which did the trick.
Current episode only been going since wkend. Drs was monday, 5 mg escitalopram prescribed. Been taking it before bed with horrible side effects - approx 2-3 hours sleep then mostly awake. Am still going to work (new job but same workplace so they know about my previous episode and I'm scared of losing my job if they know am unwell again). Also a single parent, trying to hold it together for my 8yo. Would really love some support and encouragement as feeling terrible. Thanks!

03-12-14, 03:46
Hiya Rockgirl and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

03-12-14, 07:16
Thanks for responding!!

03-12-14, 13:23
Hi Rockgirl,

I am also taking Cipralex, on and off for 10 years or so now, and the initial side effects can be scary and difficult, but this will not last. It takes a couple of weeks sometimes longer for the drug to fully kick in, and initially you will feel a heightening or a slipping back in terms of your anxiety, but I promise you this won't last. It is just an irritating bridge to cross to feeling MUCH better!

Cipralex (Escitalopram) in my opinion, is a very good med to be on. It is helped me greatly with my GAD and panic attacks, but when I first started it, I felt dreadful and so scared and spaced out, and when restarting it, I had the same thing, but it really won't last, I assure you!

Hang in there if you can. x:hugs:

03-12-14, 15:48
Thanks so much Debs!! Trying my best currently. Am getting better at 'hiding' my situation at work as I don't feel they would be sympathetic etc - sometimes I feel utterly overwhelmed. Would you mind telling me if you take yours in the am/pm? Taking mine at night but getting very little sleep. Thanks for taking the time to respond :)

03-12-14, 15:55
No problem at all!

I understand how you feel about hiding things. I did that when I was nursing, as I felt firstly that people just don't get it, and secondly, that they would view me as being a loose cannon, or not able to cope. Confiding in people is very hard and sometimes you have to be very selective. It can be overwhelming and quite lonely, I know. You will get there though.

I have tried both morning and nights for taking my meds. Initially, I took it mornings, but found that it totally wiped me out during the day, so I swapped to nights, but then I found that my anxiety was dodgy during the day, so changed back to mornings again, and have been on mornings ever since.

I find taking them in the morning much easier personally, as you feel set up for the day to come. I also am more likely not to forget to take it (my brain is like a sieve most of the time!) as I take it along with the vitamin mix I take in the morning.

I would try mornings instead, hun. You may find it just works that much better for you.x :hugs:

03-12-14, 18:39
Thanks so much! It really helps not to feel so alone. I have some great family and friends but it can still be so isolating. Really appreciate your response!