View Full Version : So, it's been nearly two years since I last visited.

03-12-14, 14:41
A few may remember me (I did the images and icons you're currently seeing on your screen for the forum).

During my last post I was left with ECT as being the only viable option, since then I've found out that I have Asperger's and ECT is now totally out of the question.

I'm partially relieved, but mostly angry. It had been mentioned at various ages, from school reports, house masters (boarding school) and teachers. As well as being mentioned on my notes a few times as a possibility.

However, no one decided to do anything about it, such as ordering a test for diagnosis. So that leaves 15 years of my life totally wasted, being terrified of things without cause or understanding and putting up with the stress of being forced into being in large groups because "that is normal".

I know this is a rant and I apologise, but I thought I'd but come on here as it's the first place I visited for support and still the most sensible place.

So... hello all.

03-12-14, 20:04
Hi, I am pleased that you have finally got a diagnosis but sorry it has taken so long as you could have had more support in school.
I am pleased that you have been able to come back to NMP and share this with us.