View Full Version : Long Time Lurker - My Story

03-12-14, 21:30

This is probably going to be a long post so thanks in advance to those who stick with it and read it to the end. This is my story of what part of me believes to be Health Anxiety and what the other part believes to be something much worse :-(

In May 2013 I was sat at my desk at work (I'm a Software Engineer) when out of nowhere I suddenly had a huge head rush, went horrendously dizzy for literally a few seconds and then thought I was going to collapse. I stumbled to the toilets, was sick, couldn't breathe and genuinely thought this was the end for me.
I left work, went home and went to bed.

The next day I work I felt unsteady on my feet, not too bad but noticeable. I had a similar (though not quite as bad) incident, went home again and my local GP. They spoke to me about stress, anxiety etc (to which I replied I had never been a stressed person and had no anxiety). I was told it was probably some sort of virus but I was clearly stressed/run down and so I was signed off work for 2 weeks. I was also given Stemetil for the dizziness.

Over the next 2 weeks I had recurring bouts of this sudden flash of dizziness, again it was never as severe as the initial onslaught. It literally lasted seconds but left me feeling awful and off balance afterwards. During this period I had 2 ECG's done, 1 at my local GP and 1 at my local A&E (Hospital). They were both fine. I also had 2 rounds of blood tests - the 2nd round was to recheck and elevated level of something (can't remember what) which usually indicates an infection/virus of some type. The 2nd lot of tests showed it back in normal range.

I returned to work and continued to suffer with mild off balance feelings, though never those horrible flashes of Dizziness. However, a feeling of uneasiness never really left me, nor did the off balance feelings.

I have visited the doctors on a few occasions since for similar complaints and have been told it is Health Anxiety. We discussed CBT but I thought I could deal with it.

Now, I had a full private medical in June consisting of Blood/Urine tests, lifestyle/diet evaluations, ECG's (resting and during exercise etc) and was given a clean bill of health.

About 4 weeks ago I heard a brief swooshing sound in my ear, just for a couple of seconds, felt a bit funny and then was fine. A week or so later, I begun to get pressure building in my ears. I returned to my GP, was diagnosed with a sinus problem (despite having no runny nose) and given a nasal spray. 4 days after that, I was at work with a sense of dread all morning. I could feel something building. Just before lunchtime, that lurching Dizziness struck me again, I really thought I was going to pass out, was trembling, thought I was dying etc. I was taken to hospital, told I had an ear problem and told to go back to see my Doctor.

I asked for a referral to a Neurologist to have an MRI scan. I saw him 2 days ago. He talked with me, did all the "tests" and then agreed to order some further tests (MRI, EEG, Brain Stem Evoked Potentials). He also stated these were more so I could get my life back from the worry than because he expected them to come back as anything other than normal.

Since that day 3 weeks ago (the epic Dizzy spell at work) I have not made it back into work for more than a day. I get into work in the morning feeling OK(ish). Within and hour or 2 I get this feeling in my head that builds and builds and builds and I just know another Dizzy attack is coming. I am lucky in that I can work from home but it is not ideal as I manage a team of people.

My symptoms to date (over the last 18 months) are:

Flashes of Dizziness
Pains/Twinges in Head
Feel like I am wearing a hat/band around head
Depersonalization/spaced out
Brain Fog
Lack of Concentration
Sparkles in eyes
General Unbalance (Disequilibrium is how the Neurologist described it)
Feels like the floor moves when I am standing still
Scared something is going to happen/is severely wrong with me
Heard pulse in ear (once)
Tingling in Hands
Noise of liquid or something in ear when bending over (a few times)
Head rushes/Adrenalin through body (is this panic?)

Over the last week or so, my mental state has worsened considerably. One of the days when I had to come home from work I was in tears. Most people would like a day off work right? I have not left the house really for a couple of days as I am scared of what might happen. I even started wondering whether I would be better off dead and looking at ways to end my life. I don't think I would ever do this but I feel in turmoil in my mind at the moment.

I have a very understanding partner and a 2.5 year old daughter and I am terrified that I have a serious problem and I will be leaving them without a partner/father. The more I think about it the worse it gets. I was actually hoping writing this down would help but now I see all my symptoms I cannot believe this is just anxiety.

I know I have my MRI scan tomorrow and I suppose at least I will find something out soon.
Can anybody offer me any advice/words of comfort?

Thanks for reading.

04-12-14, 05:28
I don't know if this will be comforting, but I have the exact same symptoms as you. So much so, that it was that exact same second long horrible dizziness that kicked off my extreme HA this year. I get those bad, usually when I'm sitting watching TV or staring at my computer/phone. They are terrifying and I always think I'm having a stroke or about to die. I also have sharp head pains, general feeling of off-balance, heartbeat in right ear quite frequently. I am happy for you that you are getting the Mri to answer the "why". Or put your mind at ease. I want one, but haven't convinced the doctor that I have more than just anxiety. I have two young children and desperately want to feel normal again. In addition to the head stuff, I also have heart palpitations and skipped beats.
Please keep us posted, I'm very curious as to what the neurologist has to say. It feels way too real to be just anxiety. Good luck.

04-12-14, 05:50
It seems your symptoms only occurred at work, is that right? If so, could there be a link between your symptoms and the workplace?

Also, you referenced "since that day three weeks ago" but you also stated that the first symptom occurred in June of last year. It's no wonder you feel emotionally stressed--that's a long time to have experienced your symptoms without explanation or relief.

Do keep us posted on your tests.

05-12-14, 01:32
Hi there
I have exactly your symptoms and have had all the tests. Visual disturbances and headahes sound like ocular migraines. These can be scary, but are not dangerous. They can be brought on by stress, tiredness, diet, poor fluorescent lighting and eye fatigue. It is a syndrome that comes and goes. People who have this are also suceptible to vertigo. This is when the fluid in your inner ear is imbalanced for some reason (usually crystalisation). It can sometimes feel as if you are in a listing boat and is very disorientating and very scary. I just fell straight over. Labrynthitis is the other potential culprit here. Again, inner ear. All of these things, whilst unpleasant, can be sorted. Anxiety will amplify the symptoms enormously as your fixation will literally exhaust you to the point that you won't even see straight!!! I know, it happens to me. Tinitus is also a common symptom. Once you get your head around the fact that it is not something sinister, a weight will be lifted and you will start to tackle the issue. Search vertigo and vestibular migraine on this forum and you will see you are not alone and that people get through it.
Have a read of this article and see if it rigs any bells with you!!! - I did, and started to feel better immediately. http://www.mvertigo.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2392
I wish you well and am sure that you are ok and will get through it. Only a fortnight ago I felt exactly as you have described. I truly though I was dying. It is amazing how it can lift from you when you begin to understand it. Feel free to drop me a p.m if it helps.
Take care.

05-12-14, 14:11
Hi. I started with all these symptoms after the birth of my daughter and thought there was something terribly wrong. I had severe anxiety over this which made it worse. Have u ever considered you may of had a virus and now all these symtoms are due to anxiety over the first spell so they now manifest and stay with you? My symtoms lasted 3 months and have now been replaced with severe stomach issues. I go dizzy everytime i stand still and occasionly have the odd ringing in ears

05-12-14, 14:22
I sympathize totally, sounds a little like my first onset of health anxiety.

Here is my best advice, the advice I would have given myself at your stage if i knew then what i know now.

You HAVE to accept the doctors diagnosis, until you do, you wont improve. It took me AGES and 5 GPs and tests and retests.... in the end it was Dr Chris on this morning speaking to some random person on the phone who convinced me, i literally stopped in my tracks and heard him diagnose what were my exact symptoms. He only said the same as my other doctors, but for some reason, i listened to him and the slope became much shallower after that. Tho its still a hard road. Acceptance is the first step to rationalizing the problem.

Hugs and positive thoughts. You are going to be fine x