View Full Version : I feel like im living in a dream. So scared.

04-12-14, 16:30
I have a good job, a lovely beautiful caring girlfriend in a stable relationship, but for a few years have suffered with occasional anxiety problems. This year hasnt been too bad at all for me, up until now.

To cut a long story short about a year ago I started having problems with my sinuses. I'll get occasional dizziness but after a cold I get really bad dizziness, pressure in my head etc.. I take antibiotics from the DR and eventually it goes.

I quit smoking on 3rd November (finally).

Basically for like the last month I have had diziness that's got worse and head pressure that has got worse and worse.

For the last 2 weeks ive been on antibiotics. Last week Ammoxicillin and this week I am on Doxycyline.

I've noticed I feel like im going crazier and crazier but now as I sit here - I can't even describe how I feel.

My whole body feels tense. I look around me and everything seems weird and different. Last night my girlfriend came to stay at mine - I had my family together and my girlfriend, I should have been happier than ever - and I was, but I just didn't and still don't feel right.

I feel like im in a dream all day every day lately. I feel like I can't remember the previous weeks and can't seem to look forward to anything. It's making me so depressed.

I'm usually such a happy, outgoing person! I was feeling so positive with quitting smoking now I just feel like bursting into tears all day every day :(

I don't understand any of it. And despite family / girlfriend being lovely and caring.. nobody seems to really understand :(!

I just want the old me back.

Sorry for the depressing entrance, but it is through this pain and struggle I found you <3

Kenan x

04-12-14, 17:35
One thing that kind of jumps out at me is the commencement of your emotional symptoms after you stopped smoking.

Smoking increases dopamine, and now you may be finding that your mood is altered because your dopamine is no longer elevated by smoking. Couple that with an illness and antibiotics--could explain your low mood.

04-12-14, 17:57
Sounds like you are experiencing depersonalization. I have had this occur it is really unsettling. It does pass in time.

05-12-14, 15:16
It does sound like a side effect of quitting smoking. My husband has tried to quit a few times and he says the anxiety gets pretty bad. All the people I know who have been successful with quitting just say you need to push through that and it will go away. I would suggest finding people who have quit smoking, maybe in a smoking cessation group, to share experiences and I bet you will find out you're not alone and people who have been through it will give you some understanding words of encouragement.