View Full Version : Need Some Thoughts And Please Don't Say Go To The Dr. Already Been!

05-12-14, 04:43
I have been having vision issues.. A kind of binocular dystopia..One or both eyes seeing double or maybe blurred. I have no idea because it comes and goes really quick.When it started I would cover one eye and I could see ok with the other and if I covered the other eye I could see ok with the covered eye. Now I had a attack yesterday and it did not help to cover either eye.

Its really weird ..like a double vision yet my eyes seem like they are all over the place just for about 30 secs to a minute. Yesterday I felt a little dizzy but it all lasted very quickly. I was just in the hospital about a month ago with tachycardia, I was there for four days and they put me on the heart floor and monitored me around the clock. I had ECG EKG and all the trimmings too. A chest xray and tons and tons of blood work looking for anything and everything.

I have been having these eye attacks fairly recently a lot.I have had maybe 15 in five months. I told my intake doctor I told my assigned doctor and told several nurses and also my primary doctor all about the eye thing.

They found that I am pre diabetic and they put me on meds for that . So far my blood sugars have been great, my blood pressure great and most everything has been fine. I still have bouts of anxiety with fast heartrate but then I do a relaxation technique to slow it down and it usually works but there is times its off the charts like a visit to the dr's office the other day and it shot up to 133 and then a minute later was 98.. so I guess the medicine they gave me is working but my blood pressure has been lower than it ever has in my life.

Well after informing everyone about my eye thing. My doctor 38 years internist and a great one that I trust gave me B2 ..said that it would fix my eyes or at least help. He examined me from head to toe ,mouth ,ears, eyes ,everything and I also mentioned that I had been having occular migraines so the B2 was for that and my double vision probably resulting from high blood sugars is what he told me but he said I could go to an eye doctor if I was worried..So that makes my doctor seeing me and two or three other doctors seeing me in the hospital and countless nurses all knowing I had bouts of double vision...no mention of testing for strokes or anything. I havent had one of these attacks for a month now and wondering if any of you have had anything like this?

First of all I was wondering if it was A: Low Blood Pressure...too many meds?

B: Maybe inner ear trouble

C: Anxiety?

D: Possibly damaged eyes from high sugar levels or bad eyes period?

E: Undetected Mini Stroke

F: Heart Problem...although they monitored me for four days and did extensive test

Or what? Im freaking and I have been to the doctors twice since the hospital and spent four days in hell for tachycardia and don't want to go to another doctor.. Has anyone at all had anything like this. Please help?

I don't want to go to another doctor but im frightened it might be a mini stroke or something far worse but then again I know I should go to the eye doctor but there again is another doctor..im so tired of this merry go round ...Anyone please help.. tell me if you have had anything remotely like this please tell me.Thanks in advance

06-12-14, 00:43
Could somebody please say something? I don't know if I should just sit still and not do anything due to having another attack or what. Im really scared. I woke up this morning thinking about it and wondering if im having mini strokes or what? Or could it just be something that is nothing .Please?

06-12-14, 01:04
Hi mnaha,

I don't know what anyone could say and anything anyone would say would just be a guess as no one is a doctor or experienced enough to venture a guess. You've been examined head to toe and it appears your doctors are not too concerned. The heart issue has been ruled out. Blood pressure is under control, a mini stroke is unlikely, I'm sure they looked in your ears so what does that leave? I would ask if you've seen an eye doctor but I'll refrain because you asked not to ask.

Perhaps others can chime in but based on the fact you're on an anxiety forum, it kind of points in that direction. Best wishes and I hope you find a remedy to your situation.

Positive thoughts

06-12-14, 01:22
Thanks for your reply and you are right I think as usual. I need to just man up and get off my duff and go to the eye doctor..thanks for being straight forward with me and I just have to get over my fear of doctors..frankly I don't know why im still nervous about them but I suppose its always fear of bad news...Thanks again. Your input is greatly appreciated.