View Full Version : Hello everyone :)

05-12-14, 12:32
Hi, my name is Rhiannon, I'm 24 (nearly 25) and from Wales. I have a pug called Cai, a ragdoll kitten named Cicero and two fish tanks with platie, kuhli loaches, amano shrimp and vampire shrimp. I love painting and making clay models and hope to start a buisness doing that.

I also have mild depression and moderate OCD which I developed when I was 16.

Well, previously moderate. I am overjoyed to say that my OCD has improved immensly in the last few months and just a few days ago I said a 'forbidden word' for the first time in seven years. The downside is that I have now started to get panic attacks. I had my first one at the begining of November and it lasted an hour and a half. I had no idea what was going on. The next one I had last Monday. I visited my doctor yesterday (for an unrelated reason) and told her about it and she believed they were panic attacks, something I had suspected myself. I'm having a ton of blood tests done just to rule out other causes but I feel they are panic attacks. Been having a feeling of dread, but no obvious cause, quite often during the day, but its never amounted to a full panic attack, aside from those two incidences.

It really sucks and I actually find myself wishing I could go back to just my OCD :(

But anyway, that is me :D

05-12-14, 12:38
Hiya Rhiannon. and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

05-12-14, 14:19
Thanks venusbluejeans :D

The article on panic attacks really helped. I've got a mild anxiety over my health so when I had this second suspected panic attack a few days ago it really freaked me out. I've only ever had panic attacks during blood tests so to have one just on my computer was really scary. Since I've had anxiety problems for so long though it makes sense that they might come around.

I remember a doctor telling me once that with anxiety when you overcome one thing it is not uncommon for another problem to pop up somewhere else. I'm wondering if my getting better from what has made me so anxious in the past (my ocd) has now channelled all that extra anxiety into panic attacks... :unsure:

06-12-14, 18:04
Hello :) welcome to NMP! Please enjoy your stay here!

I hope all works out, I been battling major issues since I was 9-10 years old, and PTSD in 2011 after the suicide of my mom. But through it all I will say it gets better, so please keep your head up!

08-12-14, 23:29
Thank you for the lovely welcome kristaok, I'm so sorry to hear about your mum.

I'm trying to stay positive about it (I try my best to be positive in general since the alternative is so much worse and is somewhere I have been in the past!).

09-12-14, 17:05
hi rhiannon, sorry to hear about your new problems : / ...good to hear that you are creative though because during my darkest moments of doom and despair painting has saved me on many occasions. throwing yourself into something during the heat of a panic is my way sometimes of burning off that negative energy and turning it into something positive. be it painting or digging a hole in the garden to plant a tree.

10-12-14, 07:39
We all have issues, it doesn't make us weak to seek help.
Sometimes I get frustrated I just cry out for help....
Just having someone there or getting into a hobby.

Here lately I been crafting.