View Full Version : Neuropathy

05-12-14, 13:50
Hi, I'm new here because my anxiety over not having a diagnosis for full body neuropathy is driving me crazy.i've had cancer in the past and I wonder if my bodies auto immune response is a full-fledged attack on cancer that has not shown up fortunately! Perhaps I'm winning the battle so far. My meds are correct, my doctors are doing everything you're supposed to do, it just remains idiopathic and pain continues to ruin my life. Yesterday I made the decision to get over it and try to learn how to live in horrible pain and not just stay curled up in a ball on the sofa and somehow to get my thoughts to remain neutral.
I may need some support as all my friends have given up on me. Thanks

05-12-14, 13:55
Hiya ReMe and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

06-12-14, 18:01
I'm so sorry... You've sure been through it, sounds to me like you're a fighter! Keep up the good fight and stay strong warrior!

Welcome to NMP, I do hope you enjoy it here :)

06-12-14, 18:20
Hi ReMe

I am new too so just saying hi :) My mom had cancer and suffers with neuropathy, it worries her as she thinks the pain is cancer returning. It causes her a lot of discomfort and anxiety but she is managing to get through it.

I hope coming to this forum offers you support and friendship, sending lots of positivity your way :hugs:

Snowflake x

11-12-14, 19:44
Hi ReMe, regarding your neuropathic pain, I think it's quite common with people who have suffered from cancer and had to have chemotherapy. It also affects people with diabetes. I suffered from it myself due to trauma and my neurologist advised taking duloxetine as he said it has good results. This medication didn't agree with me at all and I gave up on it after 6 days due to sleepless nights, constant headaches and nausea. However, a very strange thing happened for me.. after coming off the meds, my pain didn't return. My symptoms disappeared after months of suffering. How lucky am I? I just don't know the explanation to this but I'm so thankful. I sympathise because I know how horrible it is.