View Full Version : Feeling so tired and weak

05-12-14, 15:09
I feel so ill today, I could hardly get dressed and brush my teeth, I feel like I can't function properley, thinking I have no energy to do anything, I get so frightened that I am going to loose my mind, I am like this most mornings till about 1oclock, I wanted to take my grandchildren to the theartre on Sunday but the way I am what is the point I have been trying hard all day to think positive . With help I have don't a few things, my son helped with putting the net curtains up, he said to me its anxiety, but it keep thinking it can't be, not this bad, it's terrible, sometimes I feel what's the point of this struglgle, I don't want to sound like a horrible person, bu could it be something else, I am always at the doctors . Can anxiety cause this feeling of being lifeless and nearly falling over, I have had this for twenty years, and I have struggled for that long, but this setback is really bad. Will I feel better.

expecto patronum
06-12-14, 08:05
Hi Lavender, sorry you're feeling like this, this is exactly how I feel at the moment, I feel physically weak like I can't do things. I'm sure we can get better, acceptance is the way, it's not easy but it is possible :hugs:

06-12-14, 10:32
Yes anxiety drains your energy because of the constant adrenalin and worry. In the book self help for your nerves claire weekes explains this.
I think you need to allow yourself to be tired and just take a break. Sometimes being compassionate and kind to yourself can help. Not being hard of yourself for feeling so tired and forcing yourself to have energy. Maybe go on youtube and find a meditation or relax for a short time each day.
That's not to say you lie around and let anxiety set in but that you have a break and let your body and mind rest.

06-12-14, 16:34
Thanks for the replies. I do read claire weekes books , she is wonderful and has saved my life on many an occasion I am using the books and the tapes but I don't seem to be making any improvement, I have always suffered from anxiety since my twenties , and had a few setbacks , but this setback has gone right back to square one, maybe it's because I have had a bout 2 months of acute stress before this episode.

06-12-14, 19:17
Hi Lavender... Anxiety can cause massive tiredness and lack of energy the get up and go... I'm often overwhelmed and tired too, but with a 5 month old I just gotta do it. I find that if I wake up and say today I'm going to wake up and do this no matter how tired or depressed I am, I can do it. But if I just lay in bed and not try then I won't get out of bed, do you get me ? :)

Keep your chin up, after all lavender flowers smell so good, and are so regal hehe. Oh yea and they can cause drowsiness. Random.

06-12-14, 19:30
Yes no what you mean when my children were babies you have to get up and keep going, I need something in my life now to give me some motivation to be glad to get up and feel better, I have spent the last 6 years caring for my elderley parents and now my husband is ill. So I suppose I have got to get do something for myself, I think worry and anxiety drain s me. I use lavender oil a lot and the flowers, put it on my pillow at night still can't sleep . :)