View Full Version : Blurry eyes - Can this be anxiety?

06-12-14, 08:26

For the past two weeks my eyes have been getting progressively worse, I didn't use my glasses all the time only for long distance. However I have to wear them all the time, it is really concerning my eyes never used to be like this. I mean 2 weeks ago they were fine.. what happened?. I wake up in morning their blurry, night time cannot even see Christmas lights/ shop signs. As soon as put glasses on they are much better so I pretty much wear them all the time even though i shouldn't. Been doctors! guess what the GP said nothing was wrong...went opticians just a slight change in prescription which is not that strong. My sister has a genetic eye disease and has 10% vision in my eye, they have checked i don't have it, however they did misdiagnose her 4 times. Anyway I now think it made be anxiety related anyone else have blurry vision???

06-12-14, 22:20
Yes. Anxiety can definitely cause blurry vision. One reason is pupil dilation, so in a dangerous situation this is a natural fight or flight reaction, we are always in that fight or flight situation as anxious people. You might also feel that bright light are bothering your eyes.
Another reason is hyperventilation, so you're breathing in too much oxygen and breathing out too much carbon dioxide and it basically effects body's natural balance and cause blurred vision.
It happened to me few weeks ago that I wanted to wear sunglasses even inside. MY vision was too blurred even when I was wearing my sunglasses. Freaked me out but passed quickly. I'm sure you'll be fine, hope I could help, take care.