View Full Version : Coming back 😭

06-12-14, 09:59
Woke up at 5am feeling shakey n panicky nothings worrying me ! I'm on a low dose of 2mg diazepam I'm still shaking now so I took another one waiting for it to kick in I really do t wanna feel like this no more it's ruin my life wat else can I do other tha popping extra pills to calm me ? Please n e advice would've appreciated xx

06-12-14, 11:19
If nothing's worrying you but you are still suffering physical symptoms like shaking, you might want to consider a beta blocker like propranolol.

Ask your doctor for a beta blocker - it may help. (And yes, it's more pills, but may help).

07-12-14, 23:59
Thanku for relying I'm feeling even worse tonight as ad the shocking news a family me member died tonight I don't think il cope x

09-12-14, 20:18
Pills are not the only solution for overcoming panic attacks, they can help but not always and they have a lot of negative side effects also.

The best way in my opinion is a combination of taking medications and self-help techniques for stopping panic and anxiety. In the long term it is preferably to stop taking pills and only focus on overcoming panic attacks the natural way. But for now just stick with what works for you.

Here are some effective methods for stopping a panic attack fast:

1. Relax by taking slow, deep, complete breaths. Calm yourself by remembering that you are only having a panic attack and that nothing more serious is happening to you. Continue to take slow, deep, complete breaths. Slow, deep, complete breaths will relax your body, which is the first step to reversing the release of adrenaline.

2. Stop negative thinking by shouting the word "STOP!!!" really loud inside your head. By shouting the word "STOP" you are interrupting the emergency message that your brain is sending to your adrenal glands. Often people having a panic attack get into an endless loop repeating the same catastrophic thoughts over and over in their head.

3. Use Coping Statements. A coping statement is a positive statement that is at least as strong as the catastrophic statement that you have been scaring yourself with. Replace the negative thought with a positive one. Choose a statement that addresses the negative thought.

4. Accept Your Feelings. Accepting your feelings is very important. Minimizing this experience usually serves to perpetuate it. Start by identifying what emotion you are feeling. Most panic attacks are caused by the emotion of fear or some variation of fear. Identify the emotion you are feeling and find the reason that you feel it.

Try and learn how to apply these methods and help yourself overcoming panic and anxiety.

Take care!

09-12-14, 21:15
Thank u for your advise I'm gona try some painkillers after my last post see if pain subsides but if not il seek medical advise as I know I'm not panicking at all just feel ill I appreciate the self help advice aswell I will look bk at your words wen I feel anxious again x much love x