View Full Version : So scared of having wisdom teeth removed!!

06-12-14, 11:04
So on Friday I am having my two bottom wisdom teeth out under general anaesetic. I'm so scared that I won't wake up and i am a bit overweight so I'm worrying this will mean I will have complications. Any advice really appreciated xx

06-12-14, 16:17
You sound like me, I'm hoping I'm healthy and I'm not overweight but I was told a few months ago maybe ben at the start I the year that I would need my bottom two wisdom teeth out and I was terrifed of being put to sleep.... So I avoided the dentist and my teeth grew out and they are still there...

I was terrified of not waking up and things so I just refused to go the dentist

That's not me telling you to not go I just wanted to say I know the fear that you are feeling

Go and talk it through with them and explain about your anxiety, they will make it easier for you

06-12-14, 16:31
Last year I had a lap which meant I had to have a general. I was petrified I wouldn't wake up. But it was no bother in the end. In fact I weirdly enjoyed the drifting off bit.. and that happens so quickly. Then you don't know anything and just wake up!
You will wake up and I promise you won't know anything about it and you will be amazed but a little sore from the wisdom teeth coming out ;)

06-12-14, 22:08
I don't know if your dentist will do this, but I had all four of mine taken out at once while I was awake. I am scared of general A and refused it. They just numbed me up real well and took them out.

07-12-14, 10:06
Hi thank you for replying everyone. I'm so tempted to cancel but i keep thinking of the pain I'm in a lot of days and I know I really need it doing. I know if it was too risky they wouldn't do it but it just scares me so much being put under. They could do it with numbing it but it would be one at a time done so i would have to go back again and the dentist said it would be very unpleasant because one of them is very impacted so it's going to be a struggle to get it out and apparently they don't do sedation over here. Think its different in the UK from USA xx

07-12-14, 11:09
If you don't want to go under perhaps consider just the numbing stuff? I had two of mine out (one was impacted) that way. I couldn't afford to go under!

Honestly though, how often do you hear of people not waking up from anaesthetic? I've not heard of one case.

10-12-14, 11:54
Well its nearing the time and I'm so scared :-( I haven't got an appetite and I just want to sleep all the time. I'm so terrified something will go wrong. I just have this constant feeling of dread :-( I'm considering cancelling it or just having local but I know neither are the right options. I've got my pre op assessment today. I'm hoping they help ease my worries xx

10-12-14, 21:33
Hello :)
Please don't worry about the anesthetic you will be absolutely fine :) I am petrified of the dentist :( I have any work done under concious sedation. Basically you get sedated but you are still able to speak etc but I don't remember a thing! I could of said all sorts! Lol

Do some relaxation have a bath chill out do whatever to take your mind off of it all will be fine :)

10-12-14, 21:39
Thanks Liziik,
I will actually be asleep for it as I am having general. I am trying to relax but I am still terrified :-( xx

10-12-14, 21:57
You'll be FINE. A little swollen maybe, but I'm sure you'll rock the chipmunk look. :)

10-12-14, 22:10
I was just numbed up. But then I didn't have anyone with me and you can't drive if they put you under.

Having had several surgeries in my lifetime, it's no big deal and the drugs are great! ;) If you do it, have a friend record you coming out of it. It makes for some great Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgB2ziyAteI) videos! ~lol~

Positive thoughts

Old 68
10-12-14, 23:10
I Have read your mail,and wish I could give you a hug.
You sound so young.
I feel exactly as you do,but I'm too scared to even make an appointment for 2 fillings after Christmas.
I know from experience that most things aren't as bad as we think.
Please let us all know how it goes.

11-12-14, 12:33
Thank you for replying canbud, fishmanpa and old68.
Fishmanpa, I wont be like the people on youtube as I will actually be asleep not sedated.
Is it normal to have this feeling of dread? I really feel like some thing is going to go wrong tomorrow and I keep thinking I am going to leave my son motherless :-( I just feel like crying.
Old68, I hope you manage to get the courage to book the fillings xx

11-12-14, 13:08
Fishmanpa, I wont be like the people on youtube as I will actually be asleep not sedated.

Sedated/Sleeping is exactly what I'm talking about ~lol~ In that video, the girl was asleep for the procedure and was coming out of it. She just doesn't remember being asleep for 45 minutes. When I had my stents put in, I was out! My wife was with me in recovery as I woke up. I kept grabbing her butt and asking "Is this my tushie?"... I have no recollection ~lol~

You'll be totally fine... there's another thread about this down the page a bit.

Positive thoughts

11-12-14, 18:25
Well I don't mind that. I just don't want to be put to sleep.
I'm not sure if I have a cold tbh and I've got a gland up aswell on my neck all of a sudden so they might cancel it? In a way I want them to and in a way I dont want them to. I just want it over with.
I feel so pathetic. I havent eaten all day, I just have no appetite and I keep crying. Just keep thinking what if's.
I keep googling which isnt helping at all xx

---------- Post added at 18:25 ---------- Previous post was at 18:24 ----------

My wife was with me in recovery as I woke up. I kept grabbing her butt and asking "Is this my tushie?"... I have no recollection ~lol~

This made me LOL though :-)

12-12-14, 09:22
Well its been cancelled and they are going to reschedule because I have a slight cold and my glands are up. Thanks for the advice everyone. I'm sure I'll be back on when I find out the next date for it! Xx