View Full Version : Anxiety and Driving?

06-12-14, 16:57
This might just be my anxiety talking but I have got to figure out what is going on with me. I've been struggling with driving for a couple of months now. Its weird... its like I can do ok driving around town but when I'm on the freeway I feel like I can't go the speed limit or it is too fast. I almost get a sick feeling. Not full on dizziness or nausea, but just anxious and out of control, feeling like something is going to happen. Today I had to drive around town a bit and I started to feel awful even just doing that. Its starting to make me want to avoid driving altogether. I find that if someone else drives, I'm mostly ok, except for on turns, then I feel panicky and sort of motion sick. I've never liked riding in the back of a vehicle because of motion sickness, but this thing of feeling sick as the driver is new. My doctor immediately wanted to prescribe antidepressants when I told her how anxious it was making me. So.... her diagnosis was depression and anxiety. I don't feel depressed though, unless I've had a really anxious day and I'm crashing. I told her I wanted to hold off on the pills because of my fear of side effects. I have kids and I can't afford to be sleepy all day or have anything else go wrong.

I wondered if maybe lack of sleep is causing the driving phobias. I've only been getting maybe 6 hours a night. I've been getting really irritated with my husband because he stays up late and then walks around the house back and forth right before he goes to bed. So even if I've drifted off early, he wakes me up. Then sometimes I wake up because he's tossing and turning and snoring. I think he has a bit of sleep apnea (which he won't get checked out) and its affecting my rest. I'm feeling a bit foggy during the daytime and sometimes feel like I want to go to sleep but then can't relax enough to nap. I've also had a lot of neck and shoulder tension which bothers me when I'm driving, like my hands are uncomfortable up on the wheel. Anyone experienced anything like this?

06-12-14, 17:07
In a straight answer - Yes!

I have had an anxiety issue with driving for a long time. Used to just be motorways but now can affect driving all the time. I still force myself to get in the car but am wary with my kids in the car with me...

My driving is good. It's just that I get this odd sense of not being in control and my perception of cars moving up and down the roads gets odd too. Sometimes I hyperventilate unconsciously I think.. might make me a bit light headed. But I know I can get past it.. usually it's worst going to my destination and a hell of a lot better driving back. Which tells me it's anxiety.

06-12-14, 17:14
Omg... that sounds like me too. I notice that when I first go drive anywhere, I tend to feel super anxious like I'm somehow going to lose control. Then on my way home I'm usually fine. I have some days where I feel crappy both ways but not all the time. Also I noticed one day that I felt crazy anxious driving to another city to meet with a potential client. They liked me and booked me for my services and I left feeling absolutely fine. I drove home feeling fine too. It was like, suddenly I had money in my pocket so I can drive better?! What!

My issues this morning I think started because I had to get up early and go to a dress rehearsal for a choir concert this weekend. I showed up at the church, no one was there. I figured I must have gotten the time wrong. I went back to the church later. Still no one there. I spent between 9-11AM making trips back to the church and wondering what on earth I screwed up. I started to feel anxious and really struggled to drive just to get home. When I caught the stop light right before my house, I wanted to crawl out of my skin. I just wanted to be home so bad and get out of that car! My rational mind says I do have an anxiety problem with driving, but my irrational mind was telling me I should go to the hospital and get checked out because I thought I was developing diabetes or something (I had to pee for like the 4th time this morning). Starting to think maybe anxiety makes my bladder overactive in the morning too.

06-12-14, 17:27
It is most likely anxiety. What you describe is exactly what I have battled with for years driving. I do think that if you are experiencing a 'dip' with regards to the general anxiety/stress situation it will take advantage of your more vulnerable points.. in this case it's perhaps you driving becauseyou have made an association with it.

Whatever you do, try to battle it out as it may get worse. There was a point I was asking my partner to drive all the time and take me to places.

What I suggest is just try driving somewhere not for any specific reason, knowing you can pull over or turn around whenever you like. Knowing you don't have any commitments to drive to is therapy in a way.

Also, if you experience this 'odd' feeling driving try putting on some music or just tell yourself it will pass. Worst case, pull over and just do some breathing exercises. I sometimes do that while I am driving!

I just know that in most cases you know it's anxiety because in most cases driving back you feel you are back to normal!

06-12-14, 17:38
I briefly had this. Which was worrying as I'm a petrolhead who owns a fast car and does a lot of track driving. I thought I was going to lose my hobby, luckily it was a very temporary thing. Deffo anxiety!!

06-12-14, 17:56
Oh thank god I'm not the only one. Has anyone else noticed if it has anything to do with how much sleep you had the night before? I've really been struggling with sleep and not sure if the anxiety is causing sleep loss or if sleep loss is causing the anxiety. My husband snores sometimes and he's a restless sleeper, combine that with him going to bed late and shuffling around the house before bed... it just really does a number on me I think. I'm thinking about asking him to sleep in another room for a few nights just to see if that helps me sleep and helps eliminate the anxiety while driving. I will miss him though.. he's nice for cuddles when he's not flip flopping everywhere!

06-12-14, 18:06
Sleep will always affect anxiety and stress levels. I wish I could take some of my own advice sometimes.. ha ha.

Yes. 6hrs is ok but if it is in and out of sleep all night then it will be affecting you. I need to get at least 8hrs sleep. My partner keeps me awake a lot. Up and down to the toilet. Cat keeps me up too.. no cat flap in our new house so wants in and out and in and out through the night. It's like having a newborn crying!

So yes. Try and get some better nights sleep and see if it helps...

06-12-14, 18:09
Anxiety about driving is one of my main sources of anxiety. It started because one day all of a sudden I felt really panicky and out of control on a dual carriageway. That was a year and a half ago and the fear still hasn't gone.. I am completely fine in town, slow driving, it only affects me on fast roads, going faster than I feel comfortable, places that make me feel really vulnerable.. So bridges, wide roads etc!
But, get the anxiety under control and this feeling becomes less. I've managed to have heaps of drives when I've felt my calm confident self.. It's just when I'm not feeling the best when it comes back badly. Definitely look into ways of reducing your anxiety and don't give into the feelings.. Prove to yourself you can do it and get your confidence back up! :hugs:

06-12-14, 19:04
Yes I have this from time to time. Sometimes I imagine a car accident then worry that it's some sort of premonition! I drive 45 minutes to work every day which is ok because I'm used to the journey but motorways bother me these days, especially road works where there is no hard shoulder so I know I can't pull over, that sometimes makes me panicky.

06-12-14, 20:54
Honestly, do 120mph sideways around the first corner at Silverstone, and 180mph up the main straight. It'll sort any anxieties about the tiny speeds allowed on public roads right out. ;)