View Full Version : What is actually going on?!

06-12-14, 17:27
For the last week, pressure on top of my head, can't concentrate, can't seem to focus or think properly. Constant loud buzzing in my ears, much worse in the morning. Feel like I'm not in the same life as I was before the last week lol.. Kind of like a dream. Feeling of lost hope. Pressure sometimes stretching to forehead. Just wanting to be in bed all the time. Just seems to be getting worse.

Taken antibiotics for sinus infections for 2 weeks, now on a light antidepressant. Could all this really be 'all in my head'

Feel like I'm genuinely going insane, my memory seems kinda affected but I just can't concentrate. That plus the pressure and derealization is driving me insane!!

06-12-14, 20:39
Don't supposed this will help but it's just a suggestion, my ears are alway popping I have sinus pressure in my head and nose, I have a feeling in my head like I have the flu, when I get it I sit in the shower or on the toilet seat and put the shower on really hot, and the steam sometimes loosens what there and I sometimes blow my nose which clears in abit. And sometimes clears my head, have you tried Vick or eucalyptus oil to inhale, as for the missy head, I always think mine is anxiety, and it will go soon hope I have helped a bit.