View Full Version : woke up w/ completely numb scalp & back of head :/

06-12-14, 22:44
I took a nap on the sofa and I didn't have a pillow so my head was pressed against the arm of the couch and it's pretty hard/uncomfortable and my neck didnt have any support.
When I woke up around an hour later, quite suddenly btw which is weird, it was like my body was trying to warn me to change position, I noticed the back of my head up to the top was completely numb and I had pins & needles in one side of my neck :/ It wasn't anxiety that caused this but I sure got anxious after that!

Luckily it went away after about 4-5 minutes and I shook myself up a bit. But I'm worried the compression to my neck might have caused a problem with the arteries that go to my brain or that I could have a stroke, I've heard of people having strokes after leaning their head back too long.

But at the same time, I don't think it was my neck that was compressed. It was mostly my head leaning on the arm, so my scalp was more squashed than anything. It was more the fact I put a lot of weight on that bit of my scalp so I'm just hoping it was superficial blood flow rather than an artery...

I want to phone NHS 24 but I know they'll probably send an ambulance round or tell me to go to the A&E but I don't have the means to go there and it's miles away. Should I be worried? I'm getting slight numbness in my toes now. Eek :/

13-12-14, 17:27
I have been feeling the same any type of tingle in my feet coupled with headache and tired eyes I keep thinking I might just die from a stroke or annyeurism .
Even right now I'm getting tightness in my head and tingles in my face
It doesn't sound like you have any thing to worry about at all . It was just how you slept as it went away so don't worry.
I suffer terrible with HA it's a night mare so know how you feel x