View Full Version : Is this just anxiety? How can it be..Why me? Etc.

06-12-14, 23:11
Hello Everybody! I have registered here today because I feel absolutely awful again, and I need to talk to like minded people really, to try and sort myself out.

So a little background to me. I am 26 years old, previously healthy, bit of a worrier but nothing too much, working stressful hours in a job I really didn't like. I'd like to say anxiety came out of the blue, but perhaps not, because toward the last six months in that job I had become very short tempered and angry, and would randomly shout at people where before I'd keep quiet. Perhaps this was a sign I wasn't coping with the stress.

Anyway, two weeks before I was due to leave for a new job, having handed my notice in, whilst driving home from a visit to my parents, 1 hour into a 2.5 hour drive, I suddenly got this intense lightheadnesses and thought I was going to pass out there and then. I had had this before and been sent home from work feeling light headed, but had put it down to having not eaten on that occasion. Anyway, I forced myself to drive home, in some sort of panic, crying some of the way, and stopping at regular intervals. I made it home, and crawled into bed convinced I wasn't going to wake up.

I did wake up, got ready for work, but when I got in the car the lightheadedness was still there, and I phoned in sick. There I remained for the final two weeks of my notice period. During this time I visited the doctor, by now convinced i had something seriously wrong, and was told he thought it was just anxiety, and sent me on my way telling me to calm down a a bit.

Within two days, I was back having noticed my left eye had started to feel 'out of focus' though not exactly blurry. Again he had a quick look in my eyes, told me he still thought it was anxiety, and dispatched me to my opticians for a check just in case.

Optician had a look, dilated my pupils etc, and found nothing wrong. I returned to my doctor to report these findings and that my lightheadnesses wasn't getting much better. I could hardly get off the sofa, and I lost a stone in weight as I couldn't eat. He stuck by anxiety but ran some blood tests to 'be sure' The results of these came back fine.

I eventually had to pick myself up off the floor and force myself to go out to start my new job, rather than end up unemployed, and the first two weeks was hell. Constant lightheadedness, panic caused by it, and inability to focus. I became too scared to go into the supermarket after a panic attack there. If what I am suffering is indeed panic attacks - as I don't feel the classic heart racing etc, I just get very light headed, and an urge to run away and lie down.

Anyway over the weeks and having read a lot of things telling me to get out there and face my anxiety, I did start to feel better gradually. The constant lightheadedness disappeared and I was able to function normally mostly, though still in constant fear of it coming back, and every bodily sensation worrying me and leading me to think I had something going on. I've had headaches, stomach cramps, chest pains, random vomiting, tight throat, dry mouth, all at random times, rather than during an anxiety attack, and I have learnt to stop myself going into a complete panic, but i still can't help thinking about them when they happen. I get stuck in my own head wondering and thinking and can't seem to keep track of conversations or social situations sometimes.

Since getting to that stage, about 2 months later, I am finding that I am so tired all of the time, by the time I finish work each day I just want to sleep. The 'off focus' feeling in my left eye comes and goes, I've noticed my heart beating very hard sometimes, and the lightheadness will spring up occasionally but only briefly.

I am convinced I have a brain tumour, I can't shake that feeling. All the symptoms could fit. The tiredness, the lightheadedness, the headaches, the vision issues. I keep telling myself if it was that it'd be constant and getting worse not just some days.

Anyway after about 2 weeks of not really thinking about it, and convincing myself I was over the worst of this 'anxiety' I got home last night, and began wondering about my tiredness and other symptoms. This morning, I woke up feeling super lightheaded, and the eye thing is back.

Is this really anxiety? If it is why did it start suddenly? I feel like every day will be the day that I collapse... This is destroying my life. I'm sorry if this seems rambly, it's difficult for me to express how i feel and explain everything.

07-12-14, 03:24
You ask two very good questions.

"Is this really anxiety?" - Probably yes, given the number of different symptoms within a short time. Anxiety affects the whole body.

"If it is why did it start suddenly?" - I don't know, but severe anxiety often starts suddenly during teenage years and twenties. It could be related to the maturation of the brain during that time, but this is just my speculation.

08-12-14, 12:57
'k your story sounds quite (in fact very) similar to mine and I've also asked all these big questions re: anxiety, everybody does. I'm a bit older than you, but job stress played a BIG part in the "sudden" onset... in fact I found an amazing snippet somewhere which perfectly describes why anxiety may suddenly hit you - I can't now find it, but the gist was - imagine your mind like a bucket and every little stress or worry goes into that bucket, well at some point if you accumulate too many the bucket starts to overflow - and this is the point where you might go from thinking you have only a few anxieties to OHMYGODI'MDYINGWHATISTHIS?!?! And then of course your worry about the anxiety is like a extra bucket poured on top that which has not got a snowball's chance in hell of going anywhere near said bucket... this is when you will starts cycling from one worry to the next... and it gets even more messy.

For your reassurance, the dizziness got to me too, it was getting to the point it was near constant, and I still get a vision fuzz at work, I also developed full blown panic attacks (with the fast heartrate etc) when I was at my worst. So yes, it CAN just be anxiety doing all this, everyone on this forum can corroborate that! :)

You've made a good effort so far on your own, I would suggest reading as much as you can about anxiety (I got a bunch of books off Amazon, just reading makes me feel calmer, even when I was not in a position to put the techniques into practise), and see if your doctor will refer you for therapy.

I think you are in a good position to start treating & accepting it as anxiety now because trust me, if you start questioning it, you will go through many more months of this, more doctors visits, more reassurance, panicky nights the whole shebang, before you get back to the point when you might go, so "this is really just anxiety then? Huh. Better get on with treating it". The chances of you being a physically healthy 26 year old with anxiety are really a lot higher than the idea that you may have had all these tests/doctors visits and they have revealed nothing about a serious condition - those guys are pros, and know exactly what to look for!

Just one final note, try to look after your physical self, anxiety can wear you out, hence the tiredness. Sleep more, drink less, get some fresh air and exercise regularly - you will feel stronger and more able to deal with your mental health. I have done. Still not cleaned up all the bucket flood yet, but the bucket is getting less overflowy :D Good luck :hugs:

08-12-14, 13:40
Hey - I have just read this and it reminds me of my own story!
I went to Japan on a business trip... started suffering panic attacks out there out the blue as i've travelled in the past with no problems. I got home and had really bad dizziess, to the point i had to sit in the shower, left the toilet door open incase something bad happend and wouldnt go anywhere without my phone. I also lost 2 stone through not eating...

Unfortunatley as you will see form my latest post I am still suffering with this 2 years later... When I feel well I can tell myself its anxiety that has caused my symptoms - but right now when my eyes go blury and i get dizziness and horrible dizzy jolts I think... Theres something awful happening I don't know about...

Send me a message if you want a chat as I am also 26 and have just started a new job!

08-12-14, 19:44
Thank you for the replies guys, it really is re-assuring.

So today I went to see my GP, and so that I knew he wouldnt miss anything, or I wouldn't forget to tell him something important, over the past few weeks i have written down EVERY SINGLE physical symptom i've had, it's frequency etc.

My doc had a read through the list tonight, and is still pretty sure it's anxiety. He did ask a few other questions, like, does the dizzyness start before the heart racing or the other way around etc. He has said I seem to be doing really well using the online CBT self help type stuff, but probably just need something to help me along a bit.

He has prescribed me a beta blocker, which i'm told will reduce my body bumping out adrenaline and thus hopefully take the 'edge' off things. I'm a little worried about side effects and if this will actually help, but re-assured by the fact it's a fast acting drug that also wears off quickly.

Chemist was out of stock, so gotta go back tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

---------- Post added at 19:44 ---------- Previous post was at 19:42 ----------

Hey - I have just read this and it reminds me of my own story!
I went to Japan on a business trip... started suffering panic attacks out there out the blue as i've travelled in the past with no problems. I got home and had really bad dizziess, to the point i had to sit in the shower, left the toilet door open incase something bad happend and wouldnt go anywhere without my phone. I also lost 2 stone through not eating...

Unfortunatley as you will see form my latest post I am still suffering with this 2 years later... When I feel well I can tell myself its anxiety that has caused my symptoms - but right now when my eyes go blury and i get dizziness and horrible dizzy jolts I think... Theres something awful happening I don't know about...

Send me a message if you want a chat as I am also 26 and have just started a new job!

The bit in bold - I can relate to this so much. Not so much now, because i've sort of learned to control the panic that it creates for me although I still get the feeling if that makes sense? But literally, I was sat on the loo at work one day and thought 'Oh god, what if I pass out in here, it'll be hours before anybody notices' and I had to get out of there as quick as I could.. Now I spend my time thinking 'If i pass out here who will see me, who is there to help, have I got my phone' I'm not sure why i constantly feel I'll pass out but there we go!

09-12-14, 08:53
Hi CA88,

Hope things are better. The beta-blockers are pretty much in-and-out drugs without long-term side effects if you take them as needed. They deal with the physical side of anxiety - if you have ongoing psychological issues, they will need to be addressed, but don't stress out about it just now.