View Full Version : Blood from uretha - Major panic attack

06-12-14, 23:13
Sorry if i start to babble, Iv been feeling sick and strange since monday with severe stomach pain, doctor thought i was impacted as had overflow diahrea so gave me movicol, earlier whilst having a bowel movement i wiped and seen red blood, thought it was from a pile - no it was coming from my uretha,not my vagina! iv been to a n e and they suspect iv got an infection as nitrates showed pink on the test, but no blood in urine even though im bleeding from my uretha. They gave me IV buscopan and never flushed it out, i had a panic attack when they gave me it, my eyesite went really blurry which iv never had before now im home with antibiotics and the IV site is really swollen with a little swelling and my veins in that arm still feel cold. is that normal?? i keep having panic attacks. I just need reasuring and calming down.

06-12-14, 23:17
Sorry if i start to babble, Iv been feeling sick and strange since monday with severe stomach pain, doctor thought i was impacted as had overflow diahrea so gave me movicol, earlier whilst having a bowel movement i wiped and seen red blood, thought it was from a pile - no it was coming from my uretha,not my vagina! iv been to a n e and they suspect iv got an infection as nitrates showed pink on the test, but no blood in urine even though im bleeding from my uretha. They gave me IV buscopan and never flushed it out, i had a panic attack when they gave me it, my eyesite went really blurry which iv never had before now im home with antibiotics and the IV site is really swollen with a little swelling and my veins in that arm still feel cold. is that normal?? i keep having panic attacks. I just need reasuring and calming down.

The swelling at your IV site is fairly normal, as it can damage the vein and lead to some bruising and swelling. This is often made worse if they happen to take a blood pressure from the arm that it's in!

I suspect the cold feeling in your vein is just a product of you thinking about it, try and relax, it'll be fine :) The antibiotics will do their job and you'll be right as rain again. :hugs:

07-12-14, 00:34
Thank you - the swelling has now gone down. I have very bad cramps and more brown bleeding but i think its actually the start of my period as this blood isnt coming from uretha. I was given the depo injection on 2/11/14, i was just finishing my first period after the birth of my daughter. Not sure if this is a period? I cant work out whether the pain is coming from my bladder from the infection or if its coming from my womb. Iv been having reoccuring problems since having my daughter 4 months ago with womb infections. has anyone has experience of this?