View Full Version : Just seeing if anyone else feels this way (GAD)

07-12-14, 05:00
Just checking this out, figured I could start talking to people on here about my anxiety who can relate and not my boyfriend all the time. He is very supportive and a good listener but my excessive worry not only makes me tired, but him as well. So here I am. I have so much anxiety about everything. Like for example right now I obsess over the fear I feel at my new job. I have been there for almost a month now, and although it's a pretty easy, mindless job, I still worry so much about it. Like I just got out of training and now have to be there for entire shifts by myself with no one there to help me if I get stuck on something with a customer. The other night was my first close there by myself and I was so scared I was gonna do something wrong and after I locked the doors and went home I kept having visions of the building on fire, and kept thinking "what if I did this wrong or what if I did that wrong?" I feel so silly for being so nervous about a JOB (it's in a tanning salon) but just being there by myself makes me feel like things are out of control and I keep freaking out about it. I have a solo shift tomorrow from 2-8 and I'm scared to go to sleep because I'm so nervous about work! Like I feel so stupid for feeling this way but I literally cannot control these thoughts! I have anxiety about everything else, like driving and shopping. Like sometimes I even feel scared to go places by myself like to the store or the bank. I always make my boyfriend come with me to run errands!!! I feel like I am just afraid of everything in life. I feel like I'm going crazy.

07-12-14, 05:06
Hiya Jippins and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

07-12-14, 07:07
Hello Jippins,

Feeling really anxious about your first job is totally normal. In fact, feeling anxious about a new job for years to come is also normal (unfortunately).

Just accept it, and do your best. Anyone older than you you talk to has already been there (and maybe more).

07-12-14, 18:20
Thanks for the response :D
It actually is more like my tenth job, lol. I've been working for awhile now, at my earlier jobs I was nervous but nothing like this. I feel like as I get older, the anxiety worsens and I shake like a chihuahua throughout the day! I literally had a panic attack at work last Tuesday. Making an appointment to see a psych tomorrow, stopped therapy and meds about four years ago, time to go back on something again I suppose.

07-12-14, 18:24
Hi Jippins

I started a new job this summer and I pretty much feel it's the cause of my recent anxiety episode.. I feel I'm not up to the job, I can't do it - am experiencing the same feelings of being petrified as you are. I'm hoping the meds will help. Also, have had no formal training since job started and very little support. Hoping I can cope in the future, at the moment feeling like I'll have to resign but I need an income...!

09-12-14, 08:27
Even the most highly experienced and successful CEOs admit to being terrified at least part of the time. Halfway through one of the most successful acting careers ever, Sir Laurence Olivier was suddenly affected by crippling stage fright. He managed to keep acting, but for some time could not bear to even look at another actor on the stage while he was performing.