View Full Version : Anyone loose weight because of anxiety?

07-12-14, 07:47
I've dropped from 122 to 111. My stress causes me so much stomach issues I have to force myself to eat. The loss of weight causes me even more stress, it's a vicious circle. I've been eating a lot of bananas, crackers, soup, yogurt because it is easy on the stomach. Any suggestions on gaining weight when you feel the need to throw it all back up?

07-12-14, 09:03
Any sweet drink has lots of calories - fruit juices or cola (you can let it go flat if it affects your stomach).

08-12-14, 10:59

I don't really have any advice as I suffer from similar. But just wanted to empathise with how you are feeling.
Maybe try eating little and often. Protein is good and carbs if you can.

16-12-14, 09:55
Hello I'm in a similar problem but not equal. I'm eating as before and sometimes more just to see if I can gain some weight, but unfortunately I can't.
Do you know someone with a similar problem like this.
