View Full Version : Pubic lice?

07-12-14, 11:01
Over the last few days I've noticed some black things on my vagina when I go to the toilet. They look like pieces of fluff from my knickers, but they've been lingering for days even when I remove them. I have health anxiety and now worried it's pubic lice. I have eczema in that area so it does itch sometimes but that only happens a few times a day, if that. I shaved yesterday but on the few stray hairs left, I can't see anything. I never saw any actual lice or eggs. Can you see lice to the natural eye? Would the itching be intense?

07-12-14, 11:24
Yes you would have intense itching, you would also had to have very close contact with someone with pubic lice to catch them.

(I have googled as I do not have HA)

08-12-14, 02:15
There is also the possibility of sweat. If you have a build up on your skin and you scratch the area, it can result in little dark pieces of the stuff that have clung together. I get this sometimes myself and its always in the groin area and I've had poor skin most of my life.

Could it be something like that?