View Full Version : please ecg advise needed asap

07-12-14, 11:50
had ecg yesterday morning normal sinus rhythm
at hosp they repeated came back sinus rhythm non specific t wave abnormalitie i freaked doc said he sure it nothing but i cant relax what does this mean
please any advice

07-12-14, 11:59
Your doctor says it's nothing, but you're ignoring him and asking completely untrained anxiety sufferers on the internet instead. What do you think this says?

07-12-14, 12:02
i have never had a abnormal ecg before and history of heart problems in the family the doctor was really rude and even though i said i suffered exstreme aniexty all i want to know is what does it mean i asked him but he said he didnt have time to explain it

07-12-14, 12:25
I think this is probably more a question for your GP if I'm honest. But if the doctor was happy that you're healthy so should you be, though I do understand your desire to understand. :)

07-12-14, 12:28
From what I've read, abnormal can mean not normal but benign - harmless.
If your GP isn't concerned, maybe that's what it means.

07-12-14, 14:25
This info from Cardiology.org:

'In general, T wave changes are very non-specific. They can occur with hyperventilation, anxiety, drinking hot or cold beverages, and positional changes.'

Non-specific T wave changes just means that the 'normal' or typical ECG rhythm (like you see on the films with the peaks of a heartbeat on a monitor) does not show on you ECG as being typical. This does NOT MEAN anything is wrong. It is just that your particular electrical activity looks different at the T point of your rhythm (On an ECG print, various points of the rhythm are labelled P,Q,R,S,T to analyse it easily)

It is far more likely this is due to anxiety or hyperventilation in your case, seeing as those things can affect your rhythm.

I have had heart scares too. I am sure many sufferers have. I have been told on more than one occasion I have an irregular heartbeat and extreme tachycardia. Thankfully, my ECG's were normal (except the tachycardia showed up) My Dad - who also suffers from anxiety - has also has an irregular heartbeat, and actually wore a holter monitor for 24 hours.....the results were normal.

What I'm trying to illustrate by saying all that, is that out-of-the-norm heart things does not necessarily mean you have a heart problem. I would try to trust what the doctor said to you. If they are not bothered, you should not be. I worked in A&E when I was nursing, both as a student and as staff, and they do tons and tons of ECG's, every other person that comes in has one done it seems, so they are analysing and reading them EVERY DAY. They know what is normal, what is not normal, and what is something to really be concerned about. If they got it wrong, and sent you home when your rhythm was a worry, there would be hell to pay, and they just wouldn't do it.

Trust what they are saying. x

08-12-14, 18:29
thank you all so much for your replies
im struggling so bad at the moment with trusting doctors due to prior misdiagnosis
since had a repeat ecg at doctors and it now normal
as soon as that was gone i started worrying about clots again my doc did full bloods clotting and heart ...i then panicked he gave me previous results instead of todays its a jokeeeee
im so sick of it but the threat feels so real :(

08-12-14, 19:46
Don't worry about the T wave too much, it's one of the less important bits. It could be something as simple as the machine 'dots' being placed slightly wrong, or interference from a mobile phone in your pocket :)

The thing the machine prints is only its interpretation anyway, the doctor is the one who makes the final decisions, the machine isn't that 'smart' :)