View Full Version : school anxiety

07-12-14, 12:56

I am 17 and currently trying to complete year 12. However, I've suffered with anxiety for years, and years, and right now I am in the worst place I've ever been. I thought I was two years ago, but right now I can't even go to school because every part of it causes panic attacks, and intense anxiety. I have always been able to hide it, but at the moment that is impossible. Everybody knows about it, and they can see it. When I have been in school I constantly have to get out of the classroom, and I keep crying, and freaking out, and it is awful. Every part of me wants to just curl up and cry, and just scream. I've never felt more anxious, or depressed in my whole life. I can't get out of bed, or even stand up because I feel like I am going to faint. My family are trying, but I just get angry and I can't seem to get across how I feel. I feel like I am in hell, and I really want to finish my A Levels, but my mind isn't letting me, and I am so stressed, and afraid, and angry at myself, and nothing is working.

I was seeing a psychologist but I stopped that after I overheard my parents saying it was pointless, and i was putting in no effort. But now we can't get back into the service, and I don't know what to do?

Please help, and give any advice possible.

07-12-14, 16:05
good day/ good evening

well obviously from what I have read you have a sudden fear of school and succeeding at it. first you need to sit and understand where this anxiety is coming from then sit and think of how it affects you. it isn't strange to be afraid of new things or changes
but that's life and each day is a new challenge but you have to take a deep breathe and realise that no matter what life is too short to focus on things you cant change

about seeing the psychologist, its your choice in what you do no matter what your parents say they aren't with you in those sessions and they aren't medical professionals to tell you whats best for you

take it easy and take one day at a time, we don't know what tomorrow brings so embrace today

take care and Godbless

07-12-14, 20:06
I am familiar with school anxiety because I have experienced myself a lot. It is hard to overcome it and it took me some time but it is not impossible that is for sure.

There are some effective ways for you to avoid school-related anxiety and some of them helped me a lot:

1. Talk to a professional. Talking to a professional will help you to handle any and all of your classroom anxieties, and should be sought so that absences due to anxiety do not result in failed classes

2. Talk to your teacher(s) in private. Talking to your teachers in private, and/or or bringing them a note signed by your doctor or therapist as early on as possible will help them to understand your behavior and not simply label you as lazy or incompetent.

3. Get to know people outside of class. Challenge yourself to ask someone who has class with you to study with you. Even if you know the material, this can be a great excuse to get to know someone, especially if you are sure to take study breaks to go get a coffee and just talk a little bit with the person in a more private setting than the classroom.

4. Join a club. Joining a club can help you find the people who have interests in common with you without having to go through the difficult and unstructured process of getting to know people informally.

5. Prepare with notes in advance. Writing down and practicing your self-introduction as well as what you know and want to bring to class discussions prior to class time can help you to access and focus on information in class when your mind starts drawing blanks due to anxiety.

Defeating social anxiety and succeeding in school, one of the least friendly environments for social anxiety-sufferers, is heavily and ironically dependent on your decision to face your self-doubts and to speak up for yourself.