View Full Version : my panic attacks are back

06-01-07, 18:55
hi everyone i wrote in before just before xmas cause i was going a xmas party and i was really scared i went but i couldn't eat the meal but i got through the night which i was proud of but it was really scary now i feel like my panic attacks have come back but worse i'm having a hard time just going the local shops again my heart starts pounding and i feel faint god it is so scary i just feel constantly on edge all the time for the past 2 yrs i have been doing really well and now i feel like i am back at the beginning again when i started to have panic attacks i keep thinking that i am going to faint alll the time i don,t know what to do i don,t want to take the tablets again cause i have been off them for about 6mths please help

06-01-07, 19:57

Firstly, very well done for doing so very well these last months, thats great.

You're just having a confidence blip and that spreads.

Go back to doing little trips out and practice staying where you first start to get scared, be it 6 steps away or in a local shop. Build up slowly and gently and always remember to talk sensibly to yourself and above all praise yourself for each an every success.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

06-01-07, 20:03
The important thing to remember is it may be scary but It can't harm you, If you feel a panic attack coming on talk yourself out of it. Don't try to ignore or fight the panic attack you are giving it fuel, say to your self i'm probably going to have a panic attack, but it doesn't matter if I do, I've got through it before and i'll get through it again, The more you practise this the panic attacks will dissapear, I've not had one in 2 years. The worst think you can do is fear the panic attack or avoid going places due to fear of having an attack, this gives the monster fuel

You where doing well in the past so hold on to these positive memories, and don't beat yourself up if you slip back, think positive

All the best

07-01-07, 10:59
HI debbiedance - I agree with the above posts. I had panic attacks for years then was free of them for years and they have come back for the past year or so. I am the same as you coz i feel faint and breathless and scared in shops especially - anywhere where I am far from the exit - if its near an exit and I can reach it quickly then Im fine - I had CBT and tried antidepressants but the answer lies within yourself - remember IT CANT HURT YOU - thats really difficult I know to accept but its true and whats the worse that can happen - you feel ill and maybe have to sit down - Ive done that loads of times in shops - just sat down and removed my coat,or jumper until I cool and calm down!!! Not easy - I know- Im still having panic attacks but trying so dam hard to rise and fall with them and not fear them. Good luck>love wenjoy xx

07-01-07, 22:18
HI Debbie
I think what Meg said is right - you did so well in December at the Christmas party - just keep trying small things.
I had agraphobia about 3 years ago - I had counselling but the best that worked for me was to set myself little tasks every week along with the help of my counsellor. Small steps...
It was what helped me anyhow - may be different for everyone.
Good luck
Jo x

08-01-07, 01:34
Debbie, if you had been having panic attacks which stopped and now they've restarted I'd sugest that perhaps the underlying reason for them in the first place hadn't been resolved satisfactorally.

Perhaps CBT / Hypnotherapy or there are some other fast working approaches that could be applied.

Good luck in your choices



12-01-07, 18:50
hi thanks to all of you i have recently been back to the shop where i had my PA i was still really edgy but not has bad as last week. But now all day long i feel lightheaded and drained and i dont want to go anywhere again its just like it was 4yrs ago i am sick of it when willit go away

13-01-07, 14:15
**i dont want to go anywhere again **

Glad it wasn't as bad as previously .. you REALLY need to go every day and up teh amount of time you spend there and ignore what your feelings are telling you about not going anywhere and keep it up day after day in order to work thsi onethrough.

Listen to the messages you are telling yourself and challenge each one that is not helpful.

It will only go away when you learn not to take heed of how you feel but JFDI anyway and overcome the fears.

None of us are saying thsi is easy because God knows , its not - But it is the most permenent solution.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

14-01-07, 05:55

I'm new but so very glad I found this site I've delt with panic for 6 plus years now. Just reading the posts has helped me feel better. I to had not had any attacks in the past year, but out of the blue its back. So frightening, so much energy used thinking and waiting for the next one. I'm debating going back on meds. Had been off for about a year and a half. Which probably explains why we now have a baby boy. I hate how it can control you. To the original post I understood everything you were saying. My attacks, are happening while driving, and at home alone. To much time to think about how my body feels. Do others do that? I find myself taking an inventory of pains, and aches. My panic manifests itself in the fear and thoughts that I will die if a heart attack. Wow just typing this feels good. I have such a hard time letting my wife in to this world. She has a hard time accepting my panic. Sorry for this ramble must be first time run of the keys disorder!
