View Full Version : Anyone on line - feeling really anxious fast heart rate

Female healthanxiety
07-12-14, 17:08

Thanks for opening, hope your all ok?

Heart is beating so fast but I'm not out of breath.....

I had a bit of a stressful day today dealing with some silly think my sister did, and since then I've been feeling really anxious: feel like I can't calm down.

I just took 1/2 a diazepan (as much as I hate taking them) took 1/2 about 15 minutes ago (2.5mg) as there 5mg.

07-12-14, 17:10
Hey there :),

I'm fine, how are you doing today?

What are you anxious about? It's probably something perfectly rational.

Female healthanxiety
07-12-14, 17:16
Hi Ryan

Good to hear your doing well!

Not too sure and I think that's why I'm feeling like this.

For the past few weeks (since the cold weather really hit us) I always get really cold and numb feet and hands (predominantly on my left) and sometimes feel I'm gonna seize up all together and collapse.

I have heart related anxiety which dosent help.

This weekend have felt like I haven't slept properly (when ive had 10 hours sleep Sarurday and Sunday), I work hard and am up at 6 so I know a lay in is critical.


07-12-14, 17:30

As an anxiety sufferer, I have been and am going through the same thing.

The problem we have is what seems serious to us, another person is not scared of.

For example, I keep getting headaches and neck problems. Some people will have the same thing as me but ignore it because they are not scared about problems with the brain etc.

In this instance the most I can do is try and make you feel better so you can continue to function.

To be honest, i'm not sure whether anything relating to the heart could cause numbness. Circulation problems could, but I wouldn't see that as somewhat serious, and it would not affect the heart!

Also, 10 hours sleep is too much, if we sleep for more than 8 hours at a day, our body has negative responses (e.g. lethargy, headaches, sickness). It can also cause our anxiety to be worse.

Try to keep calm, I'm sure you will be fine! :)

07-12-14, 17:35

Sorry to hear you're feeling anxious! Remember that some anxiety especially after stress is normal anyway. I think we all get worried that we are having 'extra' anxiety sometimes :)

If you want to slow your heart rate, go and lie down somewhere quiet and coach your breathing whilst letting your muscles relax. You can also bare down like you are having a number 2 believe it or not! That helps to slow things down! Or splash your face with cold water :)

But don't worry about it too much! Your heart is designed to work faster during times of stress or excercise. As long as you don't feel out of breath or faint with it it is unlikely to be worthy of worrying about :)

Sit down, watch some TV and think of something else if you can :)

Positive thoughts coming your way!

Female healthanxiety
07-12-14, 22:26
Thanks CA88

Anxiety really stops you in your tracks dosnt IT?! M

I sat on the sofa for a while and just felt tired and a bit on the dizzy side, feet still freezing...


07-12-14, 22:30
It sure does! It's got me right in its grips at the moment.