View Full Version : Acid Reflux/Nausea

07-12-14, 18:32

I just wondered does anyone get really bad nausea when their reflux is playing up only I'm getting worried.

For years I've had reflux on and off and normally I can cure it with OTC remedies but a few times I've ended up at the Doctors and had a prescription to sort it out.

A few weeks ago it flared up, I had some lansaprazole which had been prescribed to me previously so I took them for a week and the reflux went away for a few weeks.

Now it has come back and it's really bad, I constantly feel like I'm burpring acid up, and even regurgitated food a few times but the worst thing is I've been getting really nauseaus which believe it or not seems to settle after eating.

I've started taking the Lansaprazole again and feel like I'm full of air but I'm still getting the nausea.

Just wondering if this is normal with reflux. I am going to go to the doctors but just wanted to see if others have experienced this as my HA is going into overdrive, which probably isn't helping the symptoms!


07-12-14, 20:53
I have been told many many times by my GP that nausea and reflux is normal. I have had it on and off for years. I am on lansaprozole which help a bit but I have never really got to grips with the nausea. I have tried ginger biscuits which help a bit also dry crackers and mints. My reflux symptoms also used to improve with eating, they were a lot worse when I had an empty stomach . Do you find your nausea is worse in the mornings? Mine definitely is.

08-12-14, 06:26
Thank you for the reply, yes it is, normally I get up and it's really bad, I take a tablet and then it calms a bit, it then seems to get worse the late afternoon/evening.

It's just the nausea makes me not want to eat but when I do eat it seems to sort the nausea out for a few hours.

One of those can't win things. At least it is a normal symptom, I've been feeling so sick and the HA kicks in with all the other things it "might be".

08-12-14, 21:32
Glad I'm not the only one that gets this. I have had omeprazole before which sorts out the acid burning up my throat but I still get nausea almost daily.

08-12-14, 21:40
Hi I am new to the forum. I have been suffering digestive probs for the last few weeks, similar to what you are describing. I have seen my doc, insisted on 'tests' which have all drawn a blank and even though I need to accept its just 'one of those things' I am now locked in this dreadful worrying cycle. Over the past few years I have certainly become health obsessed, I need help, any ideas?

08-12-14, 22:18
I used to have a lot of trouble with reflux/heartburn, which turned out to be caused by a stomach ulcer/infection and a hiatal hernia! I took omeprazole for a while and it really helped, but haven't taken it in ages and twice in the last two months I've had horrific reflux, to the point where I've also been sick (which makes the burning even worse >_< ) My friend - who is a doctor - has recommended taking something like ranatidine as a preventative and keeping soda water on hand to relieve the symptoms during an episode!