View Full Version : Dental anxiety: Molar at the back chipped I think absolutely terrified

07-12-14, 22:26
Hello, About 2 weeks a go I noticed My back left molar has like a really deep grove in it and it looks black however When I shine my iphone light in there in a mirror it's brown. At first I thought Decay but it doesn't hurt when I bite down on it or anything I also managed to brush some of this brown stuff away when brushing thoroughly on it a couple of days back. I did read up about staining if you drink allot of tea and coffee and I drink a lot and I mean allot of coffee and tea during the day. Anyhow about 1 week two of my teeth on the bottom are really sensitive to Cold/hot But I don't think my molar is Can't really test it really as the sensitivity hits fast I would have thought if it was the molar it would be sensitive on that one tooth, it only triggers when I intentionally put something hot/ cold in the area after closely inspecting it there's a gap between the two teeth on the bottom so it might be coming from there but I'm just absolutely terrified of what it could be :(

Cheers, Jack

---------- Post added at 22:26 ---------- Previous post was at 22:23 ----------

I think it could just be chipped, but I can't remember doing it.

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Posted in wrong section please delete :)