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View Full Version : Dental anxiety: Molar at the back chipped I think absolutely terrified

07-12-14, 22:30
Hello, About 2 weeks a go I noticed My back left molar has like a really deep grove in it and it looks black however When I shine my iphone light in there in a mirror it's brown. At first I thought Decay but it doesn't hurt when I bite down on it or anything I also managed to brush some of this brown stuff away when brushing thoroughly on it a couple of days back. I did read up about staining if you drink allot of tea and coffee and I drink a lot and I mean allot of coffee and tea during the day. Anyhow about 1 week two of my teeth on the bottom are really sensitive to Cold/hot But I don't think my molar is Can't really test it really as the sensitivity hits fast I would have thought if it was the molar it would be sensitive on that one tooth, it only triggers when I intentionally put something hot/ cold in the area after closely inspecting it there's a gap between the two teeth on the bottom so it might be coming from there but I'm just absolutely terrified of what it could be :(

Cheers, Jack

---------- Post added at 22:30 ---------- Previous post was at 22:27 ----------

It could just be a chip but I can't remember chipping it. Also before this happened my gums were sensitive before

07-12-14, 23:32
Could well be a chip, sometimes molars just chip whilst you're eating because they are weakened by acid, and they take a lot of force do back teeth.

I have a couple that are in that way. The dentist isn't concerned and sensitivity calms down after a few weeks.

Are you going to go see your dentist, or do you have an issue with doing that?

08-12-14, 00:07
I have a major issue with that, hence why I writ terrified :(

08-12-14, 00:34
I totally understand that, I used to be exactly the same until I found my current dentist! I had to go in the end due to complete agony from a tooth infection, but finding a really kind, and understanding dentist who will work around my weird anxiety really helped :)

08-12-14, 03:08
Hi Jack,

If you are worried, I would definitely go get this checked out by your dentist. Like CA88 said, having a kind and understanding dentist can really help. Plus, a proper diagnosis of what this could be could truly alleviate your fears.

Don't worry - even if they suggest an immediate treatment, such as repairing a chipped tooth, you never have to go through with it on the spot. You can refuse immediate treatment and take time to prepare yourself or think it over first.

I have worried about MANY things regarding my teeth. I have had many hot/cold sensitivities (which turned out to be nothing) and black/brown spots (which turn out to be nothing). I have also chipped and broken fillings and chipped a molar or two. Everything worked out fine and was fixed up in no time.

Please try not to worry and take the steps to get proper diagnosis and treatment. Knowing what's going on will ease the terrifying what-ifs and the game of self-diagnosis.


Old 68
11-12-14, 16:13
I sympathise as I posted with the same problem.
Still trying to pluck up courage to make the appointment/
You're not alone.