View Full Version : Worried about Colon Cancer?

08-12-14, 03:50
Hey all,

I've had stool tests done and they were all clear yet I'm still having weird bowel stuff.

I was constipated then I had the runs and now I have constipation again - but it's weird as when I need to go I go about 3-4 times a day.

I'm taking pysillium husks - could this be why I"m going so much?

And to boot I get urine retention.

No blood in stools and no parasites, but I feel like something is going on as this is crazy, I use to be really regular!

Any ideas?
Should I push for a colonoscopy?

08-12-14, 09:52
If you needed a colonoscopy, your doctor would be pushing for one.
Sounds like classic IBS symptoms to me.

08-12-14, 10:32
Sounds a bit like how I am at the moment, Had IBS for about 14 years but usually its only certain foods that affect it, i normally get bad gripping pains, constipation the diarrhea then I feel better. But lately I am mega stressed as about a month ago I strated getting pains on and off in my groin, and awaiting a U/S appointment. This seems to have turned my IBS upside down, I can have a few days of normal stools, then followed by terrible nausea, diarrhea, then I can go days without a bowel motion, then constipated, the diarrhea again, then keep feeling I need to poop but can't go but I thinks thats my haemerrhoids playing up, my stomach does nothing but "churn", but this is worrying me even more to the point I am almost scared to eat, I end up having a panic attack, its a vicious circle I hate being like this x