View Full Version : Shaking and trembling

06-01-07, 20:12
Hi there

I've been on every forum and written a message I think - can everybody and anyone else who feels like me let me know I'm not alone please, I feel like I am shaking all over but it's all inside and there is no evidence of this. I know I have felt like this before but I keep on convincing myself that there is something more sinister going on. Please tell me I'm not ill just feeling very nervous and stressed out, I feel like i'm going somewhere and have such bad butterflies in my stomach but the butterflies have butterflies if that makes any sense. Its affecting my arms too and legs and I feel like i'm shaking everywhere and to top it off I feel like my left arm is worse and this is waking me up at night and stopping me sleeping which is in turn making everything worse. I'm sure I know it's all just nerves and being over sensitive but I cannot believe it.

I am absolutely awful to live with and am snapping and moaning at everyone I care about which must make their lives unbearable as I seem to do nothing other than shout or cry - I feel if I give in to it I will shake uncontrollably, which I'm sure I wouldn't really but that is how I feel.

Please let me know if any one reading this feels the same at some time or another and give me a clue on how to get rid of it.


06-01-07, 20:39
hi sharon

yes i have felt like this when my anxiety has been at its worst i have felt like i am shaking inside in such a panic and just carnt controle it .
when i am like this i snap at my family and just carnt seem to take my mind of whats happening to me ,but i do know it helps to take your mind off it if you can i try to do house work or anything realy just so your not thinking about it all the time .
i feel after a bit of time off from thinking and stressing it seems to be better .
hope this helps
jodie xx

06-01-07, 20:46
Hi Sharoncjb

I felt like you do early in my symptoms. My butterflies were the kind you would get before playing a competitive game of football. The kind of butterflies that make you want to wee but you just can't go. They were also similar to the feeling you get in your gut when someone gives you a fright.
My legs were the most shaky, I often felt as if i was going to collapse. This was coupled with a feeling of dizziness which didn't help. The more i worried about it the worse i got.
I was advised that my breathing had alot to do with these symptoms. Not enough air getting to my arms, legs and brain. I was breathing to quickly, that's all! And when I worried about it I began to breathe faster.
Try to relax as much as you can. Drink a warm milky drink before bed to help you sleep.
Try some gentle exercise - that will get the blood pumping and circulate more air round your body.
I hope this was a help for you.


07-01-07, 09:11

Thanks for replying - I know that I need to get on with something else but find it extremely hard to concentrate on doing anything else even the housework!! I did sleep a bit better last night but as soon as I opened my eyes at any point in the night I feel that shaking feeling all in my tummy and my arms, I guess I am waiting for it - is that why it's there so instantly?

My partner is out all day today, so today is either going to be really bad, with the 3 boys driving me mad, you'd think that would be enough of a distraction really wouldn't you, but they argue (like all other brothers and sisters do) just drive me mad. Lets hope its a good day anyway and I am still reasonably sane when dad gets home later!

Thanks again - keep replying it really does help to know that I am not alone in these awful feelings and fears that I have.


07-01-07, 15:31
Sorry only me again, just one thing I would like to ask and would love you all to answer. When you have these feelings I have read through this site many times, I was wondering how long these shaking feelings go on for, I have no real let up in the feelings, might have an odd half hour or so if I forget about it, but overall these go on from morning till night and they are there if I wake up in the night too, which I am doing all the time at the moment, which I guess shows that I'm stressing.

Please answer me, I just keep thinking everyone else has these problems on and off and that mine is ongoing as there is really something wrong with me, please tell me I'm not alone and that when my mind gives up worrying about the feelings they will fade away again, until the next time anyway!!!!!

Thanks very very much

07-01-07, 16:13
I havent felt right since August with just a few days off for good behaviour and butterflies are a definate symptom!!! I feel fine for about a minute when i wake up then it all kicks in. How long have you felt like this??? Trying to cope with 3 boys wont help!!!

07-01-07, 17:47
i'm having really bad shakiness at the moment - morning, noon and night! it's rubbish! My arms and legs are shaking pretty much all the time, unless I am sitting very still, or immersed in an activity such as this. You are most certainly not alone! I have managed to convince myself I hjave all sorts of hideous illnesses, which my finacee has laughed at and shaken his head at me for...it is all probably just anxiety related. the fact I have just burst into tears suggests to me I am somewhat wound up!!

Am off for a nice lavender bath to see if that helps!

07-01-07, 18:32
Thanks everyone, it really does help to know others feel the same. Lets just hope we all feel better really soon. I don't think I can go on many more nights without sleeping really well, I think I will definately be having to go and get some tablets from the doctor at this rate, as the lack of sleep leaves me feeling extremely grumpy and even more snappy than I already feel.

Anyway thanks again and please keep replying I might eventually start to believe it and stop this shaking!


24-03-07, 20:47
Anyone else tend to get a shaky feeling but not actually physically be shaking at all, I get it all over my legs and arms, neck too sometimes. I do get the tremors which make my leg muscles twitch when they are relaxed, but apart from that, I can't see any shaking....aaaaaaggggrrrrrrr

Anxious Canuck
16-07-07, 17:07
You can control it. Try this as evidence:

Feel one part of your body that can't stop trembling/twitching/shaking..... lock on to it, don't stop paying attention to it, even when it stops doing it's thing. Got it?

No pay attention to another part of your body that is behaving normally. Ask yourself why it isn't tense, tingling, twitching or trembling. What should happen is you will notice the part you are now focusing on is behaving as badly as the part you were worried about.

This is good news, as you will also notice the original worrisome part is now normal. This is proof that your physical reaction is psychosomatic and that your body responds to your will, not the other way around.

Give it a try, and show your body who's boss!

Good luck,


22-07-07, 20:05
Weird thing is for the first time this week I felt great, no problems at all..next day I get awful headache, stuffy head, nausea...wonderful!

22-07-07, 22:47
Hi Sharon,
sorry you feel so bad at the moment but this is pretty common at different stages of anxiety and phobias. The last time I got this shaking bad seem to get agoraphobic at the same time, I remember having to go to the doctors at one time and I actually was shaking all over even others could see it. The Doctor I see is a female Asian doctor and I don’t really thing she understands Anxiety to well as she usually has a little joke with me and said why you are so full of fear at this time. I replied it was there all the time but got worst because I had to leave the house and go to the doctors, she smiled and said oh dear surely you are not afraid of me, But maybe she was trying to make me feel better. I have suffered many years with anxiety, Phobias and bad health anxiety and now I find after trying just about everything affirmations really help me. I tell myself over and over I am in good health and feel great to be alive. I wrote down on cards and bits of paper all sorts of positive affirmations and looked at them regularly and repeated to myself over and over how I was well and there is nothing wrong with me. I still do it now over and over and in the end you say it to yourself without thinking. It takes time but I am sure it works. Tell yourself something enough times and your brain starts to believe it and I do feel much better for it. Hope this helps you a little and hope you feel better soon. Vernon

02-08-07, 08:00
It helps me so much to come here and read things everyone else gets..

I get this alot especailly in isolated areas of the body and it worries me but soon passes so not to worry ..it will pass and then it will come again and then it will pass and then one day you will forget about it again and then it will come again..

JUst try to keep calm and dont worry about it..it only makes you feel like something terrible is wrong with you when its not.. Michael

Hi there

I've been on every forum and written a message I think - can everybody and anyone else who feels like me let me know I'm not alone please, I feel like I am shaking all over but it's all inside and there is no evidence of this. I know I have felt like this before but I keep on convincing myself that there is something more sinister going on. Please tell me I'm not ill just feeling very nervous and stressed out, I feel like i'm going somewhere and have such bad butterflies in my stomach but the butterflies have butterflies if that makes any sense. Its affecting my arms too and legs and I feel like i'm shaking everywhere and to top it off I feel like my left arm is worse and this is waking me up at night and stopping me sleeping which is in turn making everything worse. I'm sure I know it's all just nerves and being over sensitive but I cannot believe it.

I am absolutely awful to live with and am snapping and moaning at everyone I care about which must make their lives unbearable as I seem to do nothing other than shout or cry - I feel if I give in to it I will shake uncontrollably, which I'm sure I wouldn't really but that is how I feel.

Please let me know if any one reading this feels the same at some time or another and give me a clue on how to get rid of it.
