View Full Version : White Mucus in Stool (Sorry TMI).

08-12-14, 09:38
I have had noticeable white mucus in my stools for a few weeks now. It has been every time except one (this was just after a bug last week), but before and after that white. It is usually just white bits in and around the stool, kind of opaque really, but now and again I'll get a large white (not opaque) clump attached or separate from my stool. I would say it is more than just a little bit. I have been a little more anxious these last few months, so am hoping it could be related, but last year when I had full blown Health Anxiety I never got this.

I have an appointment on Friday, as I need to discuss my cycles so I will mention this too, but in the meantime I am worried sick of the C word. I have thought of worms but have no other symptoms and on ahem Google, it says mucus would usually not be the first symptom of worms.

08-12-14, 10:09
I have had this for over 10 years at least and its nothing. I have had hemorrhoids for longer than that so I've always assumed its because of that.

So, whilst I can't say that I know the various things it could be, I just wanted to let you know I've had it over a decade and I'm still here, so maybe its nothing?

08-12-14, 10:30
Thanks so much for replying. Do you think it could be normal even without hemorrhoids? Do you get clumps sometimes too?

09-12-14, 02:47
Yes, I get clumps.

At first I thought it was threadworm which I had as a child but I remember how that looked and it wasn't the same and with that you wouldn't get the slimy remnants when you wipe.

I'm not sure and I think there are people on here who would be able to advise you much better because I found it was from this and straining but I think I've also read about it with IBS which I think I have a mild form of. So, perhaps there is a link to stress and how bowel movements are altered that could explain this. If no one updates your thread, I would suggest posting a new one in the IBS subforum on the Symptoms board to see what they regulars on there think because they may not be looking in the HA board.

09-12-14, 16:05
Hi kee kee i had seen this in mine stools .i think its normal because it happened with me so many times (i think first i had seen this 5 years ago).

09-12-14, 16:15
Mucus is very common with IBS. Do you have any other bowel issues? If so, it may be that which is causing the goo in your poo.

If it is that, it is nothing to worry about. Mucus is so common with IBS. :hugs:

09-12-14, 21:12
Can this he IBS, even if it's my only symptom? My partner had IBS and he experiences quite frequent discomfort, whereas I never get tummy pains or anything. I have been a little more stressed than usual lately and was wondering if maybe it's anxiety induced IBS, if at all possible?

Thank you all for replying. I haven't even thought about it today until tonight. It freaks me out but at least I'm at the doctors in 3 days so I'll update in case anyone else reads this in the future ;-)

11-12-14, 16:25
so I'll update in case anyone else reads this in the future ;-)[/QUOTE]

It is nice idea .

11-12-14, 23:03
At docs tomorrow. Been googling, whoopsy! I'm scared again ha, going to bed now and hopefully I'll have an answer tomorrow.

14-12-14, 09:34
For anyone who may read this in future, my doc told me I definitely don't have cancer and that mucus in stools (even clumps) is actually quite 'normal'. He asked if I wasted to do a simple stool test which I do to keep my mind at ease and he said when (not if) it comes back clear to stop looking down the toilet ha and accept I an fine. Obviously I'm worried about waiting for results but hopefully by end of week I'll have peace of mind!

24-12-14, 16:35
Still waiting for results, apparently this is normal and they can take quite a while but it doesn't help that I'm going to be worried over Christmas.
I've been getting a strange pain in my upper stomach, I wrote a separate post on this I think, doctor doesn't seem worried of course but I'm so worried it's related to mucus and could be something sinister. My pain is minor and isn't constant, but it's there almost everyday. Sometimes in the middle of the night, sometimes when walking about!! Wish I could stop worrying for even a few weeks, I'm sick to death of it.

24-12-14, 18:13

I too am waiting for results over Christmas. I am frightened but have a look at the challenge thread. It made me think. HA is so so hard. I know. Christmas makes it worse but I'm going to try really hard. perhaps we should both try - for the sake of those around us?

24-12-14, 18:54
To be honest the only person who knows my fears are my partner so they don't affect anybody else anyway. I am fortunate in that my HA is no longer debilitating like a lot of people here. I do however, have quite severe depression and that will be my battle this year.
Good luck with your challenge and Merry Christmas.

26-12-14, 08:41
The pain could be related given debs mentioned white mucus could be a sign of IBS but I really wouldn't worry, I just had the mucus for years before my anxiety and it Nether came to anything and is still there now from time to time over 10 years later.

I've never really looked into it but I know I see more of it if I'm straining, especially if I go a second time shortly after a BM.