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View Full Version : Don't know how to live with hpv...

08-12-14, 16:10
Hpv is a huge part of my health anxiety. That was the reason why my HA got out of control, I never had cancer fears before and now for 3 months I can't think anything else but cancer. The fear literally travels in my body. I have high risk hpv in my cervix area. I'm not too scared of cervical cancer though, as there are screenings and it can be prevented.

My biggest fear is hpv causing cancer in other parts of the body as there are no screenings, especially I'm scared of oral cancer. I feel like it will be too late when I'm diagnosed with oral cancer.

I literally can't live with this crippling fear anymore. I constantly check my mouth and throat, checking my tonsils, feeling my neck. Whenever I find something unusual my heart starts beating so fast and I can't breathe.

I really don't know what to do, is there anybody else with hpv? How can I live with it? I just want to get rid of it :(

25-01-15, 19:05
Hi, sorry to hear you are struggling at the moment. I just wanted to reply to say I have some understanding about how you are feeling. I had treatment for severe dsykariosis(?) nearly 5 years ago, last year was the 1st time I had a smear that tested for HPV and on that smear it can back negative however I have no idea if I had hpv and fought it off over the last 5 years. I'm currently very worried about throat cancer do to some symptoms (ear ache, strange and painful sensation in throat) and my worry is that due to possibly having had hpv in the past it has now led to throat cancer. My health anxiety has had a relapse recently and I'm really struggling at the minute which has led to googling and then increasing my anxiety. I have read on the website of jo's trust about people with high risk HPV and how they are trying to fight it through increase in vitamins etc. it is a very good site and may offer you some advice and reassurances xx

25-01-15, 19:20
Thanks for your reply Mary,

I'm sorry you went through that, I know how difficult it is, all the waiting and worrying. I too had throat cancer fears due to hpv and seen 2 Ent specialists. They do not have tests for it so you never know if you have hpv in your mouth/throat. However, it takes years and years to develop cancer and the risk is lower among women.
I thought I had tonsil cancer 3 months ago and went through a really difficult time. I'm not scared of it anymore though.
Yes I'm very into healthy eating and supplements for some time now. I quit smoking, started drinking way less that I did before. Taking loads of antioxidants, at least 1500 mg vit-c a day.
I also heard Ahcc and oregano oil are very good to fight hpv virus off so been taking them.
You should try oregano oil especially for your throat, it burns a lot so you can dilute it in coconut oil and put it under your tongue for 10 mins and then spit it out. Or just 2-3 drops in water and drink it.
Hope you feel better soon, all I can say is, don't be scared of hpv + oral cancer, it is rare and even rarer amongst young women. xx

25-01-15, 19:26
Thank you!! I feel awful that I replied to give you reasurence and you ended up giving it me!! I think we should always try to focus on the positives! How often will you be tested for Hpv? Yes you are right it's the waiting and worrying that's the worst part and then the after effects. What antioxidants do you take? I really want to improve my physical health and well being as I think it will improve my anxiety too x

25-01-15, 19:56
I had a colposcopy and a biopsy and it confirmed I had no CIN (pre-cancerous cells), so I will have my next smear test in 3 years.
Well, first of all I eat a lot of green leafy vegetables and I started juicing lately. I do eat fruits as well but not as much as I eat vegetables.
I would recommend green tea, I drink at least 3 cups a day, matcha tea is also a great anti-oxidant, even stronger than green tea.
AHCC supplement (or reishi mushrooms), turmeric (curcumin) tablets, lots of vitamin c, olive leaf extract, oregano oil, coconut oil. These all can help preventing cancer.
These I the ones I can remember at the moment, I had a long, detailed list, can message you when I find it.
For your anxiety, I would recommend lemon balm, magnesium and vitamin b. I take lemon balm capsules, use magnesium oil after taking showers and take vitamin b complex everyday x

25-01-15, 20:06
Thank you for that! I was taking magnesium for hormones as they I think are the biggest contributer to my anxiety but I got out of routine taking them. I had no idea you could take so many vitamins and supplements, but I'm going to try some and also improve my diet. I hope your anxieties decrease soon, i wish I could offer you some more advise but telling someone try not to worry doesn't seem to cover it! I'm seriously considering paying for some counselling as I've had anxiety on and off over 10 years and to say I'm just fed up with it is an understatement!! X

25-01-15, 22:15
I've had Ocd, social anxiety and GAD for about 10 years. I've only had HA fpr 4-5 months. It started with this smear test results and now it's out of control.
I convinced myself I had almost all types of cancer, Ms, even alzheimer and now I think I have ALS :(
Been having acupunture and having therapy but not working. I'll start cbt soon and hope it works x

28-01-15, 17:43
I have high risk hpv... Didn't go after treatment for abnormal cells. I've also had the vaccine but am so paranoid about oc. My husband hates it!

28-01-15, 18:04
I'm not young enough for the vaccine. Scared of it anyway. How do you know it didn't go after the treatment? Did you have another smear test? Well, you can use supplements to boost your immune system so that it can flush off the virus.