View Full Version : Worried about my dreams

08-12-14, 17:19
I've been taking quetiapine for 5 or 6 months now and I'm having to increase it because its effects last longer the next day. Its been strengthening me for the most part and it seems that increased dosages make me more able during the day, but its coming at a terrible cost.

My dreams are becoming incredibly graphic and real and I wouldn't mind that if it weren't that they're becoming increasingly sadistic and violent. I won't put down too much detail, but I am having most horrible nightmares that are violent and mostly feature me torturing people and animals in incredibly vivid graphic sadistic ways. Last night it got so horrible that I had a panic attack that woke me up. I'm now scared about going to sleep tonight, I don't want to keep having these awful nightmares. Quetiapine is helping me so much at day, but nighttimes are now becoming awful. I don't know what to do. I'm not entirely sure if it is the medicine causing them, but it certainly started after I increased the dosage.

08-12-14, 19:16
I was on quetiapine and it gave me very vivid dreams,I had a freind on it to that it did the same.i swapped to zyprexa which had much much less side effects
Quetiapine also gave me terrible headaches ,nausea and made me very groggy all day long

11-12-14, 01:02
hello I have never been on this medication but i do know that medication can make dreams very real.

sometimes cheese gives people bad dreams i know this might sound silly but I got told that if in a dream that some one was not nice to me imagine a weapon and use it on them.

It realy helped me as its only a dream but dont take abuse even in dreams I would say that usualy the bad dreams will stop once the medication starts to work better.

hope you get it sorted