View Full Version : Worried - Brain Tumour

10-12-14, 10:26
Have been for my blood test results this morning, iron stores level is 15 which she said was low but not that bad, I was hoping that this would be the reason I am feeling light headed and have headache all the time but she basically dismissed that idea. My mum has a benign brain tumour and I am so scared now, what if that is why I am feeling like I am. Cannot concentrate. So scared, has anyone else had low iron and feel like I am, she said I was not anaemic, just low.

10-12-14, 10:57
Have been for my blood test results this morning, iron stores level is 15 which she said was low but not that bad, I was hoping that this would be the reason I am feeling light headed and have headache all the time but she basically dismissed that idea. My mum has a benign brain tumour and I am so scared now, what if that is why I am feeling like I am. Cannot concentrate. So scared, has anyone else had low iron and feel like I am, she said I was not anaemic, just low.

Hi there paranoidjh

I can totally understand exactly how you are feeling right now. I know that panic and anxiety can sometimes make you feel lightheaded and headachy, I certainly have this problem. I also suffer with low iron at times, I know quite a few other people who get this too and it causes them to feel lightheaded.

It is understandable you worrying about it being a brain tumour because of your mom. My health anxiety started when my mom has breast cancer so I totally get where you are coming from with that.

I am not even gonna say 'please try not to worry' cause I know that doesn't always help, but I hope it helps knowing you aren't alone and there are so many other people who use this forum who understand what you are going through with this worry.

I can totally relate to the not being able to concentrate thing. When my health anxiety is bad I will literally spend all day Googling illnesses and can't even think about doing anything else. It's a really bad idea to do this and all it does it make me worse.

Do you have a hobby or something you can do to take your mind off it? It is hard at first to switch off from the worry I know, but sometimes having something else to do can really help.

Here if you need someone to talk to.

Snowflake x

10-12-14, 13:33
Thanks snowflake, I was just wondering if those levels were low enough to cause the light headedness that I am feeling. I am anxious all the time and am going for my second course of hypnotherapy on Monday night which I hope will help. Also awaiting CBT. Realistically I know the chances of it being a brain tumour are remote but cannot help worrying.

10-12-14, 14:34
Thanks snowflake, I was just wondering if those levels were low enough to cause the light headedness that I am feeling. I am anxious all the time and am going for my second course of hypnotherapy on Monday night which I hope will help. Also awaiting CBT. Realistically I know the chances of it being a brain tumour are remote but cannot help worrying.

I understand, it's such a horrible feeling isn't it? I've had two sessions of CBT so far and it is really helping me, just need to remind myself of the techniques the therapist has showed me when I am worrying over my health and other peoples health.

What is hypnotherapy like? I have never had that.

Really hope you get some piece of mind soon, I understand what this is like x