View Full Version : Dental phobia

Old 68
10-12-14, 13:19
My Teeth aren't too bad,but last week a piece broke off a back Tooth.
I am now scared stiff of making an appointment at a Dentists.
Not having been for quite a few years
The thought is continually on my mind,no matter how hard I try to do other things.
I can have sedation once I'm there.
But it's getting there in the first place.
I shake ,rech,and have to go to the Toilet every 5 minutes.
Can't walk the stress away
I had a Stroke 5 years ago,afraid that this stress will give me another.
Even Christmas can't take my mind off it.
I need help badly.
Also a Widow so no supportive Husband to hold my Hand.
I have Grown up Children but hide my fear from them.
Out of embarrassment.

10-12-14, 13:24
Hiya Old 68 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

10-12-14, 13:26
tell your kids-i dont think that they will mind returning some of the care and attention that you gave them when they needed it : )

14-12-14, 06:25
Why are you so fearful of dentists? Just curious. :)
Oh and welcome to NMP. :)

14-12-14, 20:18
Hi :welcome: to the forum, there are a lot of threads on here regarding the dentist and anxiety with some good advice on how to cope with appointments.

Old 68
17-12-14, 16:33
Still haven't made the appointment.
Feel sick just thinking about it.
Memories of gagging ,and forgetting to breathe.
Fill me with dread.
Even the smell,Chair,Drill,Needle.
I'm a lost cause.?

17-12-14, 16:57
would you go to the dentist if you knew that you could just sit in the chair?
would you go if they were just going to have a look around?

its up to you what you let them do to you and if you want them to do anything at all.

speak to a receptionist and see if you can make an appointment jst to go and talk to a dentist, if they put you at ease who knows what might happen.

getting through the door without the fear or worrying of facing injections and drills is easier than going there not knowing what is going to happen.

17-12-14, 18:52

I used to be the same. Majority of dentists nowadays cater for nervous patients, mine is really good. Ask friends who they go to or phone around a few and just explain how you're feeling and what worries you.

Take care

17-12-14, 18:59
Best advice I can give is find the right dentist, and tell them how you feel before you ever go. Many will let you come in and meet them with no treatment at all, and then just move into treatment at a pace which suits you.

When I first started going back to the dentist, mine literally just had a look around and then offered to do a 'polish' just to get used to the feel of stuff in my mouth etc. Was very patient :)