View Full Version : New to website

10-12-14, 18:20

I have registered with this site as I am desperate for help and understanding anxiety.

I am 29yrs old, married with a baby and a Primary School Teacher. 2 yrs ago I was an independent, confident, happy, healthy person.

I began to experience dizzy spells off and on and put it down to doing too much. They became more and more frequent and I came down in 2013 with a string of minor illnesses. For the first time in my working life I was signed off work, I became house bound and doing things sucha s going for a shower was such a effort.

I tried many types of medication and had a string of tests (I am still convinced something is horribly wrong with me). I have paid for an MRI scan I have seen the ENT doctor, I have had heart monitors, blood tests and seen a neurologist, all so far coming back with nothing abnormal. They say it is anxiety. I just don't believe them.

In 2013 I say a neurologist and they said that these dizzy episodes would subside. I have since had a baby, she is the best thing I have ever done, but I do not feel any better.

My husband is in the army and goes away a lot, but that has always beent he way since we met 8yrs ago and is nothing new.

I have to push myself to go out of the house. I refuse to drive because of these dizzy spells. I have never fainted, but feel like I am going to sometimes. I am half the woman I was, although 6 Stone heavier as I do not exercise or do hardly anything anymore. I experience heart palpitations on occasions, sweaty hands, feeling like there is something stuck in my throat.....I tick a lot of anxiety symptoms.

I really don't believe the dizzy spells are caused by anxiety, although all tests have proved normal so far. I'm so scared, I hate it so much. Has anyone experienced these sensation before. Has anyone come out the other side?

I want to eventually go back to work as I love my profession.

Thanks for listening, much appreciated

K x

10-12-14, 18:25
Hiya IVY2014 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

10-12-14, 18:27
Thank you will take a look x

10-12-14, 18:32
hi ivy, i am new here myself and have to nice that it is pretty reassuring to read threads where people go through the same(often word for word!)experiences and that it is not something that you have to live with alone.

regarding the fainting bouts, i have them myself sometimes and i relate them directly to panic attacks-even though one has never actually caused me to faint there have been a few occasions where i have had to pull the car over and wait to see what happens. i had a blood test to check my levels as i thought that i might be anaemic as i am vegetarian, but my levels are fine.. anxiety can leave you feeling disorientated and dizzy in all kinds of ways and in many given situations. i think that once you can accept that you are experiencing a psychosomatic episode then you can begin to learn to curtail your anxiety and make it become a more manageable thing.

i had a clear break of 10 years without them even-it doesnt have to be all doom and gloom : )

11-12-14, 00:51
Thank you for replying to me. It is nice in a way to find I'm not alone.

Kind regards

K x

Juan Inch
11-12-14, 06:56
Hi Ivy,

Same for me. I had them for a period of about 2 months at the tail end of last year. It was all anxiety/stress related and, of course, the more I worried the worse they got. I suffered vertigo, room spinning, dizziness - the lot.

Everytime I've been really anxious in the last couple of years I've had these physical symptoms to go along with it and they have been different everytime! This time its aches and pains in my back, shoulders, neck. Last year, the whole dizziness thing! And I know its all been anxiety related because I get so bored and fed up of waking up feeling ill Im lucky enough to be able sometimes to snap myself out of it and the feelings just...vanish.

It'll pass. I promise! : )

11-12-14, 11:01
Thank you Juan Inch. Appreciate the reply x

11-12-14, 14:25
Hi Ivy - I have only just joined this website/forum
I think it's great to be able to listen to speak with people who are suffering the same kind of symptoms.
Everybody's story is different but mine stems, I think, from working my way through infertility treatment and coming out the other end (childless).
Around the end of my final cycle, one of my very best friends died of cancer and everything just became too much.
When I finally returned to work, I experienced my first panic attack and they have come on and off ever since.
I'm determined to finally do something positive about the anxiety I experience and I wish you all the best of luck too.
We're all in this together

11-12-14, 14:50
i can totally relate to this. Mine started with dizzy spells as well. So i stopped driving to. I think the dizzyness is the start of a panic attack. And anxiety feels like something bad is going to happen

12-12-14, 04:29
Thank you for your replies, it's very comforting to hear from people that have experienced similar symptoms x x

14-12-14, 06:09
Hello ivy and welcome to NMP. :)

I'm no doctor but I too just had a baby and I experience nausea daily, I'll be honest I do believe the majority of it is stress and anxiety related. So please don't worry. :) prayers and hugs.