View Full Version : Strange brain troubles

10-12-14, 20:00
So I'm pretty convinced I have a brain tumour. My doctor just smiles and tells me it is just anxiety without really listening I don't feel and I've lost faith in him.

Does anybody get a strange feeling in the brain, I'm going to try and describe this but going to struggle.

It's especially noticeable in say supermarkets. I don't feel panicky but if I'm trying to browse shelves it's like I can't focus on them. I don't really see the products on them. For example, trying to pick a sandwhich for lunch, I have to really really concentrate on what I am looking at to notice what it is I'm seeing.

I had the same effect today in Argos trying to 'comprehend' their screen thing. It's like I'm seeing it but can't absorb the information.

I also have trouble when people are talking to me sometimes, I see them talking but I can't work out what they are trying to say to me.

I really want to see a neurologist and get an MRI but my doctor isn't playing ball. :(

10-12-14, 20:52
Yes to all this. I'm going through the same fear so I know what you're going through:weep:

10-12-14, 22:15
sounds like a bit of cloudy fog..sort of doesnt allow you to focus on things sometimes and with me in the past i would become impatient about it. still happens to me on occasion, i can be looking at a book say and it may as well be writen in greek for all i can understand. ot feels like i have suddenly forgotten how to do something or i had never learned it in the first place...all the time knowing full well that i should know whast i am looking at. part and parcel of panic attacks and anxiety-the bit that makes you think that you are going mad. it can only be whast i imagine dementia to feel like..?

10-12-14, 22:51
Why do you assume brain tumour?

In a public place or in situations with alot of visual stimuli, difficulty with focus is very common for some folks. In Psychology parlance, it's usually called sensory overload.

According to the neuroscience dept at Princeton, (https://unclutterer.com)

"When your environment is cluttered, the chaos restricts your ability to focus. The clutter also limits your brain’s ability to process information. Clutter makes you distracted and unable to process information as well as you do in an uncluttered, organized, and serene environment."

That makes a lot more sense than brain tumour, doesn't it?

10-12-14, 23:07
It does...

Except I've never had these issues before. This is the thing, until 3 months ago, I had NO symptoms of anything, didn't have any anxiety issues or anything. Until one night, driving home, bam, lightheadedness, and never recovered properly since then!

I admit some of my symptoms do come and go. But then I have tiredness, that doesn't go away, and doesn't get better with sleep.

I find myself randomly gagging, feeling nauseous. So many of my symptoms seem to match what Dr Google says. (I know, googling things, not good! But I was right last time I diagnosed something my doctor got wrong!)

I'm currently compiling a list of my symptoms and I'll take them to my doctor.

10-12-14, 23:51
I admit some of my symptoms do come and go.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go.

Positive thoughts

11-12-14, 00:05
ca88, i can tell you i have had panic attacks on and off for years-even with a break of 10 years in between episodes and the most recent bouts include both the lightheadedness and sensation in the throat-both of which are new symptoms to me. i have mentioned that i have to stop driving sometime when i feel that i am about to pass out although it hasnt actually happened but it is exactly as you say it is.

i am sensitive to panics recently but i put that down to a bad sleep pattern i have adopted and poor diet/eating times all of which are noticeably correctable.

dont look for the worst case scenario as you are just compounding the problem. my 'cure' most recently was to put myself right one bit at a time and the very start of that was to remembering to drink an adequate amount of fluid each day and try get into a decent sleep routine. not the cure and end all but just putting things right for myself and even after less than a week i can feel an obvious undeniable improvement. next week..who knows..could be worse even..

maybe there is some aspect of your lifestyle that might be contributory to your condition? you havnt been out volunteering in fukushima no? : )

11-12-14, 00:52
It does...

Except I've never had these issues before. This is the thing, until 3 months ago, I had NO symptoms of anything, didn't have any anxiety issues or anything. Until one night, driving home, bam, lightheadedness, and never recovered properly since then!

I admit some of my symptoms do come and go. But then I have tiredness, that doesn't go away, and doesn't get better with sleep.

I find myself randomly gagging, feeling nauseous. So many of my symptoms seem to match what Dr Google says. (I know, googling things, not good! But I was right last time I diagnosed something my doctor got wrong!)

I'm currently compiling a list of my symptoms and I'll take them to my doctor.

You've never had these issues before--so what? Does that mean it's a terminal illness? Do you think people go from perfect health to a terminal? There's a WHOLE range of stuff in between, all of which would explain your symptoms. It's normal to fear that one's symptoms are indicative of something serious, but you haven't even ALLOWED for anything in between. Even the worst doctor doesn't do that.

That's my point.

11-12-14, 15:32
You're right of course Canbud! It's just totally out of control at the minute.

Having spent weeks freaking out because my heart rate was so high all the time as well, last night lying in bed I freaked out because it was really low. Then I realised i'd taken my propanalol and looking it up, it's effects can last for 12 hours or so. Oops. And in reality, lying in bed with a heart rate of 58, isn't going to be bad for me! Certainly got back up there today when I was out and about!

I noticed the neuro symptoms i described above weren't there today whilst i was out, though I did have the strange vision fog, and the feeling I couldn't stand still or look at something too long, which is probably just anxiety manifesting itself. Had a mini panic attack on the way home because my throat felt like it was closing up, and because i'd felt pretty light headed whilst shopping. That'll teach me to not take the medication because I was worried about the previous nights symptoms ARGH!

I really am my own worst enemy at the moment, 2 weeks ago I was feeling a LOT better other than fatigue all the time, which logically could be underlying depression, could be fighting anxiety all the time, could be not sleeping properly due to anxiety... but either way, I flipped myself into being convinced it was this brain tumor AGAIN and couldn't shift that feeling.

My logical part of my brain thinks, well this must be anxiety, because my symptoms and diagnosis jump from thing to thing! One minute it's a brain tumor, next i'm feeling a bit out of breath and light headed and then it's my heart...

I was almost in tears earlier because it's so frustrating. It's like the logical part of my brain is in a constant battle with the 'PANIC' part of my brain. I think this is why my doctor has suggested trying propanalol, to control the physical panic sensations. He thinks I've done well to come as far as I have (or had until last week!) with controlling things.

The problem is, everytime I try and convince myself i'm fine, and it's all just anxiety, there is this annoying little bit of me that goes 'but what if it isn't' It's driving ME nuts, my partner nuts, and people at work even got annoyed because I was constantly going on about symptoms. 'Oh god I'm so tired today' Typical anxiety behaviour really, but I just can't stop myself seeking the reassurance of somebody saying 'You're fine'

Well, that's it. I've had enough. I've controlled this beast before, and I'm going to get back in control of it from now.

As for the sleeping/eating thing, i'm my own worst enemy there. When i'm feeling like this I don't really feel hungry, and eating makes me anxious for some reason, like the food is gonna cause it! And as for sleep, I work a 24 hour shift pattern, with 12 hour shifts, swapping from days to nights with 24 hours off... Sleep pattern isn't something i can do lol

11-12-14, 16:19
I have been going through something very very similar to you. I have had chronic headaches for several years but this year, these "attacks" started happening. I was hit while driving like you and suddenly felt faint and sick. I tingled and my scalp burned; I felt an odd sensation slowly rise up my body. I felt nauseous and thought I was dying! These "attacks" happened several times a week for months. I got mis-diagnosed with migraines and suffered through these attacks for some time. I missed work as I could not concentrate or drive. I felt dreamy and lightheaded. My heart-rate would sky rocket and they would just overcome me. I could not go into any stores; the movement and light made it worse.
I am getting checked out by an endocrinologist next week to rule out any thyroid/hormonal/kidney etc. issues causing low blood sugar. I have been to so many doctors and the hospital twice and no one has actually suggested panic attacks. I thought brain tumour for so long but my neurologist said my symptoms did not match that of a tumour and with every appointment, I checked out. My family is all worried since its interfering with my life and I don't know why they suddenly happen, usually when I am in a good mood and not anxious. I try to breathe through them but they take 1-2 hours to go away. I am so scared of them striking at anytime.
If I check out physically then I may ask if I can try anti-anxiety meds to see if they help.

11-12-14, 16:58
I was almost in tears earlier because it's so frustrating. It's like the logical part of my brain is in a constant battle with the 'PANIC' part of my brain. I think this is why my doctor has suggested trying propanalol, to control the physical panic sensations. He thinks I've done well to come as far as I have (or had until last week!) with controlling things.

this may sound weird, but try letting your logical side talk sense to your panic side. Even write it down. It's a common therapeutic tool and it can really help.

12-12-14, 03:33

I don't know.. could be anxiety..God knows I have weird sensations and feelings and have for many years but well just to be on the safe side.. maybe just keep pushing your doctor for an MRI or CT scan or other test.The thing about being in the market I have kind of experienced and also looking at people talking and not understanding what they are saying is one reason I bring my wife with me to the doctors and other places..when i get home I have to keep asking her what they said over and over because I have no clue.. kind of like tunnel vision..you see but don't hear.I have even had her tell me things that I never ever heard not once and it was said over and over to me but still just to make sure ,keep pushing your doctor...just for your peace of mind.. Just like me..I feel that all the doctors and nurses that saw me and i mentioned double vision(big stroke tipoff) that they would have known I did not have one and was just blowing me off or they knew everything was anxiety and didn't want to tell me ..who knows.. I don't like doctors.. or dentist or nurses.. that is why I don't run to them for everything.. they scare me