View Full Version : period cramps

07-01-07, 01:38
could someone please help me,i had a baby 5 month ago and ive suffered with irregular bleeding since.the doctor put me on the minipill to see if this would help sort it out which it has abit.but this week i have had a sickness bug so i did not take the minipill for 3 days,im now feeling better but because i didnt take the pill i come on my period on friday tonight i have really bad cramps,backace and pains down below which i havnt had yesterday or all day today it has only started tonight and its really worrying me

07-01-07, 01:46
hi bambamers
im not a doctor , but i suffer with those pains in my lower regions, i get leg ache, backache, breast ache, and really bad cramps i take feminax to ease it which i find really works, hope this helps

denise :D

07-01-07, 10:22
hi bambamers ,

I get these pains, especially the ones down below since having my kids, im sure its hormonal as ive had them for years now, an ibuprofen helps as does a hot water bottle. If the doctor thought it was serious he would have told you. I think its just one of these woman things that we have to put up with. Hope you feel better soon.

Take care

shirley xx

miss diagnosis
07-01-07, 11:24

its just period pain. I was bleeding for 8 weeks after i had my son and i was put on progesterone for a while.

Take some nurofen and a hot bath and you will be grand!