View Full Version : hello!

10-12-14, 22:27
Hi all

I'm FL, female, 27 years old and I'm currently studying in the UK however I am from Malaysia. I am not clinically diagnosed with anxiety disorder, however I think I do have it. Where I am from, mental issues is a bit of a taboo.. we do not normally discuss it openly. Which is why I feel embarrassed discussing it with anyone. My family do not know that I have this problem. I think i had separation anxiety as a child, I felt like bad things were going to happen to the people i love and i felt so anxious all the time and constantly on the verge of crying. it became a problem but my parents never thought of sending me to a psychiatrist. instead, they used traditional methods (had to meet religious teacher/leader and had to shower with our version of the holy water). As an adult, i feel constantly scared, sometimes i wake up feeling all nervous, sometimes for no reason. It affects my day to day lifestyle - i feel constantly embarrassed, i feel like there's something wrong with me, people are judging me, for no particular reasons i just feel like people do not like me, i make poor decisions because i dont have the guts/fear the outcome. I'm tired of living like this and I'm too embarrassed to get help and i fear that people won't believe that i have a problem. Anyway so that's me =) i came here so that i can meet people like me who can help me and guide me and advice me on this matter

10-12-14, 22:32
Hiya fl and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

10-12-14, 22:49
hi fl, i am new here too, read through the threads and you'll find no end of people with strikingly familiar problems. i itself is not a cure but is sort of comforting to know that you are not alone and that there are people on here to confide in and offer advice.

11-12-14, 11:15
thank you!

14-12-14, 06:23
Hello fl, welcome to NMP! Please enjoy your stay! :D
I'm diagnosed with many things, anxiety, bi polar, schizophrenia, split personality, PTSD, depression, ocd, oppositional defiant disorder, to name a few... I know what its like to have issues and feel trapped, but you're not alone. Living with anxiety is tough, having PTSD with it is even harder. :/

It does get better, so please remember that :)