View Full Version : Very high anxiety and stress on a night time

11-12-14, 00:56
Hello people

For some reason at moment i get very stressed on a night time and if my partner says or does something i just get set off cant sleep.

I have been to lots of doctors my old ones and i have moved and even the new practice.

I have explained that the stress is very bad some nights my finger nails i have bitten off realy bad.

when i explain and on the last medication review few days back. I told doctor that my mood was ok.

I take Sertraline 200mg max does all they asked was did i have any suicidal thoughts. then they just look at me and say thats it.

I did ask old practice for something for axiety but they never gave me anything.

I have had to resort to self medication of diazapram To help me only if its realy bad not proud of it but i had no other option

its does help I just dont know what to do now they wont issue sleeping tablets nothing.

It moment I am job hunting as anxiety has lost me two good jobs, as well as loosing both parents times have been hard

but on the up side i have a job interview next week Do you guys think i should just ask them to refer me to a specialst and se how it goes

Thanks for any help
