View Full Version : Sweats.

11-12-14, 08:38
I keep waking up in the middle of the night sweating and feeling sick. I was at the doctors yesterday for my blood results which were all ok. If i am ok why do i wake up drenched and feeling sick even when i am not worried. I have a constant ache in my back/shoulder that won't go with massage etc. I know my gp said to go and enjoy christmas but i still can't stop thinking this in my back is an organ.

11-12-14, 15:43
I also keep feeling like my breathing isn't right and it's my right lung.

11-12-14, 16:26
make someone else spend a night in your bed and then let them tell you if it is uncomfortable or not. do you sleep on your right side?

11-12-14, 16:29
Yes i think i do usually sleep on my right.

11-12-14, 16:53
I think you are going through a really bad time at the moment with your health anxiety and I am sorry that you feel so worried. For several weeks you have posted about the same symptoms and you have seen your GP quite a few times. You have had blood tests and physical examinations. I think your GP would have picked up something if there was anything wrong with you. Please be reassured by your GP and the tests you have had done. Look into your anxiety and this will help you to relax.


11-12-14, 17:00
i can never get comfortable in my bed and wake up with a different ache all the time. i stretch so hard as a result i injure myself properly! id say that your physical pain is possible due to a position that you are in for prolonged periods. i have only just stopped grinding my teeth and jaw clenching while i sleep in a really tight 'safe' position. you mightbe doing the same tensing up at night? dp you grind your teeth somtime?

11-12-14, 17:13
I know i have posted a lot lately. I felt reassured yesterday after being to the doctors but then i woke up in the middle of the night feeling sick and soaked in sweat. I got up today and i have had back ache all day again and then out of nowhere i feel like i can't breath with a strange feeling in the back of my throat which still hasn't gone. I don't know if it's my imagination because it's my right side of my back that aches that there is something wrong with my right lung. I tried to get on with things today and felt optimistic and then bam the breathing thing came out of nowhere even when i wasn't anxious.

11-12-14, 17:21
I know. But come on Zippy you are an advanced member on this board so you know how the anxiety can get to us sometimes:huh:. You are anxious because you are waking up in the night with sweats, aches and pains in the chest area are very common with anxiety as you know because our muscles tighten in this area because we "chest breath" without realising it then BAM! The tightness in the throat grips you. It becomes a vicious cricket of worry. Try some deep relaxing stomach breathing..watch a funny film, talk to some friends on the phone and you will notice that as you become distracted these pains will subside, proving that they are symptomatic of anxiety.


"cricket"!!! I clearly meant "circle"

11-12-14, 17:25
I know i need to get a grip. Seeing an osteopath on Tuesday to see if that helps the back pain at least.

11-12-14, 17:30
a sharp pain from sleeping in an uncomfortable position can definitely take your breath away and make you alter your breathing pattern to stay within a tolerable level of discomfort. i should be doing myself(everybody should probably!)but i think you might benefit from some yoga sessions!

i had a close friend that was called zippy-spent his whole life with me-was a netherland dwarf rabbit...free roaming house bunny. died of old age..as will you probably : )

11-12-14, 17:35
Yes you do:D. Strangely I have been seeing a Chiropractor who has been clicking away at my neck and upper back to relieve my stress and tension. I am now wishing I had gone years ago! The relief has been dramatic. I hold a lot of tension in my upper body and have always know this as massage has helped me in the past. It has cost me alot of money, but money well spent!!! I will be going every few months to maintain it from now on.

I hope it helps you relax more.

Now get a grip :hugs:
