View Full Version : Vaginal itching

07-01-07, 08:07
God will it ever end.
had a urine infection last week was put on antibiotics (Keflex) now i am going mad with itching and sore .
thought it might have been side effect of antibiotics , but now i am thinking i have got all different things wrong with me
why cant i just except that it might be the antibiotics insted of thinking i have every illness in the book

07-01-07, 09:41
Hi there
Sorry to hear you're feeling so uncomfortable. Could it be thrush? Often thrush can follow a dose of antibiotics, especially if you've been run down and had a lowered immune system (from your infection). Its really quick and easy to treat - I use a canestan oral tablet or diflucan oral tablet.
Hope you're feeling better soon

07-01-07, 10:15
Hi Syl,

The antibiotics can cause thrush this has happened a few times to myself. Give your doc a phone or speak to your pharmacist and they'll be able to give you something. I'm 99.99% sure its thrush and nothing seriuos. Hope you feel better soon hun.

Take care

shirley xx

miss diagnosis
07-01-07, 11:23

this is definaltly thrush.antibiotics cause it. Get some cansetan asap cos if you dont treat is straight away its a bitch to get rid of!!
Also in the men time try tea tree oil on a tampon for an hour or so

07-01-07, 14:52
Hi Syl

Like others here I think this could be thrush which is fairly common after a course of antibiotics. It always happens to me.

You can get a number of treatments from the chemist. I would suggest giving one of these treatments a few days to work and then see your doctor again if you are still experiencing problems.

I hope it settles soon.


07-01-07, 15:36
thanks all very much for your answers been to chemist and bought canastan cream will try that for a few days and hope it goes away

07-01-07, 16:54
Hi Syl,

I bet the canastan works. Keep us posted hun. xxx

Take Care


08-01-07, 15:28
Hi All
went back to doctors today and saw nurse she said it sounded like thrush and gave me canatan thrush cream and pessarys for three days .
my worry is i took a urine sample down with me and when she tested it it still showed a slight trace of blood (PANIC) but that was all she said
so came home and sat worrying ever since if i have blood in my urine what is wrong ???/

really feel down about it all now at least the cream is helping the itching a little

09-01-07, 07:30
oh heck,
I got a email from someone of the site this morning regarding my post urine infection.
they said it sounds like a serious kidney infection that could be dangerous panic set in realy bad.
do you think the nurse at the doctors would have let me leave yesterday without saying anything if she thought it was serious
my late husband had renal failure in 1997 and had to have dyalisis three times a week so i am imagine every thing now

this is not the way i wanted to start a new year being afraid of health problems again why oh why does it happen

09-01-07, 10:43
hi syl first of all i would ignore the thoughts of a serious kidney infection,that e mail you say you got wont help at all.my mum had cystitis once and the first she new about it was there was blood in urine,she went to doctors and the nurse said it was cystitis and also thrush ans was normal to have a bit of blood in urine.hope this helps,if you are still worried why dont you go back and ask nurse or doctor just for reasurrance.if the nurse thought it was anything serious she wouldnt have sent you home with the cream she would have took it further there and then.take care and hope it clears up soon.

09-01-07, 11:08
Don't panic Sylvia. A "trace" of blood is often due to the sensitivity of the testing sticks (ie picking up on something that isn't there). If your nurse was in any way concerned, they would have asked you to come back for a repeat test at the very least, if not further investigations.

Where I work, even when someone is showing 1 or more + of something in the urine (rather than a trace), the first thing they do is a repeat test in 2-4 weeks to see if it has disappeared by itself.

Give your surgery a ring and ask the nurse if there is any cause for concern - I'm sure she'll reassure you that there isn't.


09-01-07, 13:36
I always get thrush after antibiotics. Without fail.
I wouldn't worry about the trace of blood either. I've had that too.
I keep a pessery in the house all the time just in case. Hope it soon clears up. I usually need 2 but it does go.

It's not enough to say "I tried!" You must try and try again.

10-01-07, 09:53
Thanks all for your messages they have helped me a lot.
got a appointment with doctor on friday regarding anxiaty so was thinking i might take another sample with me and ask her if she could check it for me she is really nice not my own doctor but she understands that i have health anxietys
I thank you all so much for your help it probebly sound stupid to a lot of people having health anxiety but gosh does it rule your life
well friday isnt that long to wait so maybe i will start to feel better soon thanks all

12-01-07, 10:44
well went to see doctor this morning for anxiaty and took another urine sample with me doctor was really nice and i told her about the infection /thrush and said i had brought another sample with me could she please check it for me she said of course .
when she checked it it is still showing traces of blood so she is going to send it of for testing I started to panic and she said she would phone me next thursday when she is on again with the results but if the results came back and i needed to be seen another one of the doctors would ring me and i would have to go down to see them

So now i am going to sit just waiting for the phone to ring to tell me somethinmg is seriously wrong I hate being like this wish it would all go away and i didnt worry over illness
I am so tempted to go in google and see what it could be but am afraid of what i might read.
so it is going to be a bad week just waiting
but i do thank you all for your messages

12-01-07, 11:53
hi syl,

i just googled, to save you doing it, it says that by far the commonest cause for blood in the urine is a urinary tract infection - as you have had one of these recently, i would think that is a pretty good explanation for it. also if you have been very sore down below, i wouldve thought you might well get a trace of blood in your sample.

i had a friend who was peeing out blood (not just a trace, but visible amounts of it) and it turned out to be a simple urine infection.

i know it is really hard living with health anxiety, but i really dont think you have anything to worry about.

hope that helps a bit :D


18-01-07, 07:26
Thanks all for your messages.
Been sat all week just waiting for the phone to ring from the doctors to tell me the worse.
today is the day my doctor told me she would ring me .I have been up since 4am just worry about what she is going to say it is ,will it mean i have to go to hospital or have test I have already had two bad panic attacts this morning oh th fear of ilness .
I am making myself feel sick with worry over this not a good start to the new year was hoping i might have been able to control things a little better this year but if anything it is worse.
thanks for all you messages just got to sit and wait now.

18-01-07, 11:44
Hi Sylvia

Try not to worry - your doctor said she would get one of the other doctors to ring if there was a problem. So if it was anything serious, you would have heard by now.

Hopefully she will call you soon and it will all be ok. Or maybe you'll need a few more antibiotics. But I can't imagine that you would need anything more, otherwise you'd have heard by now.

Let me know how you get on.


18-01-07, 13:53
hi syl,

did you watch diet doctors last night? they had a woman on it who had problems with recurrent cystitis. anyway, they showed how it looked inside her with a camera (i think it was inside her bladder, but i'm not sure as i was busy cooking at the same time!), but anyway, they were showing how many blood vessels there are there, and how close to the surface they are, and were explaining that because of this, any irritation there can cause bleeding. They said that it is like you can get a nose bleed when you get a cold because the blood vessels get irritated.

i hope that helps a bit, i thought it was reassuring to know that just quite minor irritation can cause bleeding. I'm sure your test results will be fine. Let us know how you get on.:D


18-01-07, 14:41
Got phone call at 12-45pm today
Test came back from hospital and they said it was all clear no trace of blood at all so cirby you was right what you said about the stick they use being so sensative.
so a week of worry and loads of panic attact instead of just waiting to see what the results were
strawberry no i didnt see the programe last night wish i had maybe would have understood more