View Full Version : Introducing myself

11-12-14, 14:34
Hi there
I've just come across 'No More Panic' via 'Mood Cafe' and thought and I would register and join in.
When I'm honest to myself and look back, I think I've always been a pretty anxious person. I have memories of getting really upset and worried before spelling tests etc at school, even when I was very young.
Like most people, I've had my ups and downs career wise over the years and didn't think there was anything particularly strange about crying about a bad day when you get home.
Over 10 years ago I separated and got divorced from my ex (that's a good thing by the way!) but pretty stressful all the same.
I met a lovely guy and we've been together now over 11 years but unfortunately we've had to endure infertility treatment and are childless. During our last 6 months or so of treatment, back in 2001, a very dear friend died of cancer and I think everything just came to a head for me.
I took some time off work and tried to refocus.
Unfortunately when I returned to work, I soon experienced my very first panic attack. My job involves a bit of public speaking - something I've never been worried about before - in fact I enjoyed it.
The attacks only ever happen at work and I've not had one for a very long time now (must be a year or so) but I think it's mostly because I've not put myself in the usual situations where they have occurred.
I still have a niggling feeling that I'll have one and I only have to be asked to facilitate a team away-day or meeting and I get nervous and apprehensive about 'what might happen'!
Anyway - I hope that this forum and speaking to others, might help me put things in perspective and find some good techniques to cope.
Thanks for listening!

11-12-14, 14:39
Hiya CookieHT and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

14-12-14, 06:14
Hello cookie and welcome to NMP :) hope you enjoy your stay here!

I'm so glad you found your match :), divorce can be tough... As a kid I dealt with my moms divorce from my step dad, it was rough. So although I've never been through it, I still know its hard...

I'm sorry you been anxious, anxiety isn't easy either I suffer with it daily.