View Full Version : accidentally swallowed some coal tar shampoo :/

11-12-14, 14:52
I was at my friend's house and I was taking a shower and used some of that smelly brown anti dandruff shampoo and when I was rinsing a little bit of the water got in my mouth (like 1/4 or 1/2 a sipful) without thinking I just swallowed it and then I could taste the chemical taste and then I started feeling a little sick. It was a tiny amount plus it was diluted with lots of water. All the shampoo in my hair was nearly rinsed out by that point so it can't have been much but it is pretty strong and I did feel some irritation in my mouth.

On the website it says may be harmful if swallowed and to seek emergency medical advice but would consuming a tiny bit diluted with lots of water count?

I've been drinking lots of water but I'm still worried :/

11-12-14, 17:01
My guess is that it's harmful if you chug down a whole bottle, but it's shampoo after all and it stands to reason that a little is bound to get into your ears, mouth, etc.

If it were me I wouldn't give it a second thought.