View Full Version : Suddenly becoming depressed/bad thoughts

11-12-14, 14:58
My anxiety is very very high for the past few months, gradually getting worse.
I'm on a new med and have for the past 4weeks.
My problem has suddenly occurred as my meds were actually keeping my anxiety bareable and the past few days it's seemed to of stopped!
Making me go in a downward spiral thinking I'm never gonna get better, this was my last hope it was working now it isn't. I'd be better off not here. And that very thought has sent my anxiety crazy. I don't want to think like that I have a beautiful daughter to take care of and my mum tried to take her own life last year and I'd never want to inflict that pain she inflicted on us all.

So I think I've suddenly become depressed with random suicidle thoughts.
Does this happen with anxiety a lot? I'm just so over being anxious constantly.
I've got an appointment with my doctor Monday too due to it c

11-12-14, 15:18
suicide ideation is just another intrusive thought anxiety likes to annoy you with,ignore it and it will fade away.You know its not worth taking your own life so you should also know you arent going to do it.You can get better with or without meds.Many people recover but its never a linear process and we all go through our ups and downs when battling anxiety
Its great you can focus on your beautiful daughter that will give you the strength to carry on and be strong , I know it did for me when I was very ill.
Keep going and reach out for as much help as you can get from your GP or immediate family
Good luck

11-12-14, 15:39

totally agree with Mr Andy, what meds are you on? and sometimes hormones can play havoc with anxiety.

It sounds as though you've had lot to deal with. Take things slowly, this is just blip:hugs:

11-12-14, 16:41
I kinda have to disagree a little with the above comments...I think you should try to get an earlier appointment and discuss this with your GP. Meanwhile you have Diazepam to try and control this thoughts , don't be afraid to use it.

Take care

11-12-14, 23:57
i understand that living with anxiety problems can sometime be so devastating that suicide will be the only way that one might actually take control of the situation and end the misery, but anxiety and panics are peaks and troughs and when you have reached a peak you have to face the logical conclusion that things will simmer down.
sure they can get bad again but you should always reassure yourself that its happened before it'll happen again and youre going to get through it...again.

you might get lucky. they can just cease of their own accord-for a week.. a year ...forever, and unless you have a crystal ball i would stop thinking about chucking things in! ..passing thought i know but just be there to curtail them next time you are talking to yourself : )

im not a big fan of meds for anxiety. they all work so inconsistently from person to person and can afflict all manner of underlying condition or illness. worse of all they actively mask the effects of a panic whilst contributing a few of their own side effects.

i wouldnt go running to the doctors because you casually contemplated ending it all during the middle of a panic attack. we are all entitled to our own thoughts no matter how bizarre or extreme they might seem to those dont have them.

how do you feel now?

12-12-14, 09:37
Sorry you're having such a bad time. It's not long to Monday and if you have diazepam to tide you over the weekend why not use it? Use anything that helps! I know from reading posts on the forum here that suicidal thoughts are not uncommon and I have had them myself, but don't give up, if you have recently switched meds it will take a while to settle in, take care of yourself.

13-12-14, 00:29
I would tell GP how you were feeling. There's no harm in talking about it.

Hope you're doing OK.