View Full Version : New symptom - really scared...

11-12-14, 20:54
Has anyone had anything like this..

My body and mind feel like its being twisted up my body feels like its being pulled inwards so bad my body feels like its being crushed also is my head like im under a savere amout of physical crushing pressure is so bad i struggle to breath, its been happening alot the last week.
It happend really bad tuesday why driving over the tops on the m62 it was so bad i nearly pulled over to get out and breath. I started going a little light headed as i cant pull in enough oxygen,

Im really worried now, - pains, confusion, clarity, memory, awareness 24/7 and aload of other horrible horrible stuff in a major way now this too.

If i was to explain it its kind of feels like when you go on a plane the pressure changes in your ears only its my whole bodyband its really really intense. I cant di anything other than struggle and hope it passes - it stuck around for about 30 minutes last time.