View Full Version : Posted on IBS but pls help

12-12-14, 06:36
Had full range of blood tests - all clear - had stool test for infection - clear but then GP arranged for calprotectin test and have been asked back to the surgery......I know this test checks for inflammation or ibs but terrified that I have bowel cancer and am going to get bad news....one of the GP's is ringing me this afternoon as I'm so anxious and have got myself into a state. I was diagnosed with supposed Crohn's when I was in my 20's and had bowel surgery but have never had a flare up but could cope with that but terrified it may be cancer....

This test also shows if it's cancer that cld be the problem and I know the symptoms of IBD are pain and apart from backache,
Nausea, no appetite and urgent diarreahea once or twice a day and feeling rough I am not in pain....

GP rang and said the test is showing raised markers so have to have colonoscopy next week...I am so convinced it must be cancer as it can't be IBD...so scared I can't function".

16-12-14, 19:15
Please try and calm down. I am going through EXACTLY the same. Loose diarrhoea every day. Bloods all clear. had calprotectin today. I KNOW how you feel. We need to focus on here and now. It I almost certainly your Crohns. How long did your capprotectin take to come back? I have heard levels into the thousands and still not cancer. I feel for your fear but I rally think it will be Crohns

16-12-14, 20:58
Hi Susie. I have seen some of your posts lately so I know you are also having a hard time. It was a week when the results came back. I am a wreck :)

16-12-14, 21:11
Someone sent me a calprotectin website which I am frantically looking for. On one post it said that GP's often don't follow up below 160 because it is such small amount over normal and that one doctor believed the ranges to be set too low. You know you have had crohns. By its nature it flares and goes into remission so surely it must follow that it is likely for you to have slightly elevated levels. Please feel free to PM me whenever you need to. I don't know what help I can be but I can be some support as someone who knows how that all consuming, mostly irrational and evil fear can make you feel totally locked in panic. If you look logically, which I know you can't right now, they are likely to find little other than a bit of crohn inflammation.

17-12-14, 09:54
Thanks Susie - the previous post wasn't supposed to be so short but my OH caught me on the ipad and went mad as he thinks I am just plain old mental and doesn't understand this whole HA/anxiety thing at all that it's all in my head and up to me to sort out.

Well I hope that is the case as I have convinced myself that they will find something nasty as we do. I am seeing the consultant tonight at 7pm so will see what he says and tests ordered etc. I am driving my family nuts and I'm upsetting them so much being like this. I hate myself for it and I've promised myself that if this turns out to be treatable then I will get some professional help. I hope you get sorted too. x

17-12-14, 14:55
I've had similar symptoms also found to be anaemic apparently have ibs I've never even heard of the calprotectin test and never been offered do you live in the UK ?

17-12-14, 15:11
Its a new stool test that distinguishes between IBS and other causes apparently.

17-12-14, 21:28
Been thinking of you tonight. how have you got on?