View Full Version : Anal Cancer?

12-12-14, 11:06
Worried about anal cancer today, sorry for the detail but i am getting an itchy anus after pooping, and also sometimes feels a bit sore.

I know i shouldn't but I went to google and up popped Anal Cancer, saying itching is a symptom and bleeding etc, I have only had blood a couple of times but it is the blood when you wipe and it comes on the tissue like I have cut it.

I do eat alot because I am into my working out and trying to put weight on so I am doing more poops a day because of the amount I eat, could my symptoms be anal cancer? Or something simple? So Worried now after my google search!

Also it said it can seem like you have IBS, now I am worried because I do more poops a day that is anal cancer. Has anyone else had these symptoms!?

Also I would like to add it has been happening since last year, Its only today I am worried for some reason, if it was bad I would have more symptoms over the course of a year and half surely?

I am 24 Male.

12-12-14, 12:03
Hello, I understand your fear. I think you should use some cream for itchiness and see if it goes away. Anal cancer is rare, especially in heterosexual males and most of anal cancers are caused by high risk hpv virus. You can go to your gp and have a rectal exam if you're too worried. Hope it helps.

12-12-14, 12:45
Look up Anal Fissures. Itching and blood when you wipe that looks like fresh blood = anal fissures. You can see a nurse at your practice who will have a look or look yourself with a mirror. Each lots of fibre.


12-12-14, 13:42
Fissures or Haemorrhoids

Get some treatment over the counter and if that doesn't work within two weeks you could always see your GP then.

And remember Occam's Razor :)

12-12-14, 13:46

I had this same fear...

It's more than likely piles, use some cream and the itchiness should go :)

12-12-14, 14:30
I agree with others here.

It is not anal C. It is either a small tear (fissure) or haemorrhoids.

I had the exact symptoms a few months ago. Unbelievably itchy bottom and a lot of pain when having a no.2, like the skin was ripping.....urggh horrible.

I am almost always constipated and have to strain (from IBS) and had been straining a lot at that time (sorry for tmi)

Two things helped me a lot. Firstly, using Preparation H wipes instead of loo roll. Loo roll can feel really rough with this thing. The wipes help a lot as they are moist and have soothing stuff in them. Secondly, I used Anusol suppositories for internal haemorrhoids and the Anusol cream for outside and around the anus itself. It did the trick and everything was better in days.