View Full Version : Panic attacks and allergies

12-12-14, 11:42
Hi, I've not used this site for years as my panic attacks were under control until now!
It all started last Friday I took an allergic reaction to what I think was the shampoo I had been using I have never took a bad reaction to anything before, I had been itchy for a few weeks but didn't know the cause of it. It started with me feeling like I had to empty my bowels, then I got hot,itchy,sweating,heart palpitations,confusion, dizziness and I also passed out of course I started panicking and I think it made me worse. I went to hospital got checked over and have two types of tablets and sent home. Saturday I was fine a bit shocked but fine then on Sunday I took another reaction to what I think was the bubble bath made by the same company I panicked that much I called an ambulance when it really wasn't needed. I was checked over and sent home again told to keep doing what I was doing. The problem is now I feel constantly on edge like I'm just waiting for it to happen again. I also took side affects to the tablets they gave me so I have stopped taking them unless needed. I was scared to eat incase I started having a reaction to food, scared to use any products even stuff I have never had a problem with in the past,panicking about needing the toilet incase it was the start of a reaction. I went to the docs yesterday to be offered tablets which I turned down and told I would be fine to use products I have always used and food I have always ate. Last night I went in the shower and had a panic attack because I was washing my hair. I have a day out with friends tomorrow and I'm dreading it incase I take a panic attack, I just want to feel myself again without being constantly on edge that I'm going to take an allergic reaction or panic attack. Has anyone else been through this? How did you get over it?
Sorry for the long post, Lauren

12-12-14, 13:55
do an allergy test on a small area of your skin-on your forearm is usual. put a little of the product on and leave it to dry. see what happens.

you can easily have thoughts tht things are going to poison or injure you and that can give you a panic that creates the sensation of your perceived "allergy".

what did the hospital say? what tabs did they give?

do you normally have allergies? to cats or food items?

hope youre feeling ok now

12-12-14, 14:09
The thing is I done the test to the shampoo after the reaction and nothing happened but the doc did say it could possibly be that a small amout wouldn't affect me. They didn't say much that it was a reaction but that was it. I haven't been offered to see a specialist or anything It was chlorphenamine and cetriziene hydrochloride they gave me, no I had no allergies that I knew of maby abit itchy with maby certain products perfume ect but I have never had a reaction as bad, but I had been using it for several weeks and it must have been building up. And I have never had an allergy to any food or cats.
I wish I could say I feel better but it's always in the back of my mind! X

12-12-14, 14:32
people who are allergic to one thing are usually allergic to a variety of things, nuts, cats, pollen...not just one but a few things. so they gave you antihistamines anyway..

any reason to be stressed recently?

all sounds a bit extreme for an allergic reaction, much more like a panic attack to me...

12-12-14, 14:39
They said it may be the parfum in the product I'm allergic to, I know it was an allergic reaction because of the hotness and itchiness of my skin plus the flushing and hives. No well apart from Christmas and money but who doesn't get abit stressed at this time of year lol

12-12-14, 14:53
heat and itchiness flushing and hives can be all manner of things including a full on panic. what brand is this that you think is to blame?

12-12-14, 15:24
It was Aldi's own make, I was just sitting doing my hair and it came on half an hour or so after my shower, I felt fine then suddenly had to run to the toilet and then that's when all the symptoms started x

12-12-14, 15:51
a couple of weeks ago i had a cigarette outside and it dried my throat out and i then had to rush to the toilet and had a nervous bum experience.. all very pleasant you can imagine! ...but i think that there is a common expression relating to fear and losing control of the bowels.. mine was followed by a flush of panic also as i started questioning what had just happened.

i would try the aldi stuff again-have your antihistamine on standby!

i bet it is the first time that you used the product and you dont trust the brand and so you think that there products are badly regulated and are made of itching powder and glass! hahaha- aldi are german and in germany aldi stores are as popular as tesco is over here.

12-12-14, 16:06
It was the first time I had used the coconut shampoo and bubble bath but I have used the soap, shower gel ect before! Weird, I feel fine when I'm around people but I feel terrible on my own because I think it's going to happen again especially when I'm with my son as my partner works mon-fri so I'm in myself with him a lot!. I probably would feel better if I had some test done by the docs but they said it can be hard to see what caused the reaction x

12-12-14, 18:17
could be something as simple as anaemia? feeling dizzy and feint and then your body doing what it can to stay upright.

i had blood tests recently to find out if my panics were a result of this recently as i dont eat meat so thought that i might have an iron deficiency or vitamin b12 problem.

try washing your hair in the same shampoo next time you have a friend around? at least then you'll know if its the demon shampoo or just a coincidence.

15-12-14, 03:29
Had another reaction tonight and got sent to a&e thankfully this time they have prescribed an epipen and referring me to an allergy specialist! Hopefully get some answers!

15-12-14, 14:31
hi lauren, did you react to the same shampoo? how did you end up in a&e?