View Full Version : Overwhelming Anxiety

12-12-14, 13:43
Hi guys,

I am really struggling again, I am trying so hard to get through this bad spell of anxiety, but every time I get a hold of one intrusive thought and get through it, another one crops up. I am exhausted and stuck in a vicious circle. I cannot see outside of the box and I am feeling intense fear and worry due to this. My intrusive thoughts are so intense they are taking over my life and making me question myself - I am so scared of convincing myself that my thoughts are right and falling into anxiety's lies.

Please help, really want to get out of this. I have so much going for me, but it means nothing when I am like this.

Thank you


12-12-14, 14:49
Hi Ellie,

Sorry you are feeling so awful.:hugs:

Are you receiving treatment? On any meds or had/due to have therapy? I get the impression perhaps, as you say you are struggling again? Have you BEEN on meds but are now off of them?

Whatever the case, please see your doctor, as you don't have to suffer like this. It is almost impossible to break from the cycle of anxiety when anxiety is that high without some intervention.

Anxiety when it is as high as yours feels like a battle, I know. A battle to hold on to your sanity. THAT YOU WILL DO!!! You are not going mad/going to go mad....it is just that anxiety makes you think you are, but it is just high anxiety that needs squashing.

The intrusive thoughts are so frightening, I know, but that is all they are....just thoughts. They are overwhelming you due to all of the adrenaline pumping and your brain going ten to the dozen. Tell yourself that they hold no power, and that this is purely anxiety doing its worst.

I had no end of weird thoughts when I was first unwell with GAD. Stupid stuff like 'I'm sniffing too much, coughing too much, etc' and 'What if I'm going insane or schizophrenic?' and then really mad stuff like 'what if something happens to my family, and I'm to blame?'

The list goes on and on.....so weird and scary.

Then the more thoughts you have, that makes you worry about having the thoughts, and so the cycle goes on.

You can get free of this. So many of us can relate to you, and I can PROMISE YOU you can get rid of this, or at the very least, alleviate your symptoms, but you do need help which starts at the doctor.

As far as self-help goes, DISTRACTION IS KEY with anxiety. Anxiety is fueled by our minds fixating on how bad we feel, and this makes the anxiety even worse. Keeping active and busy and diverting the mind to other things - going out for a walk/shops, playing a game on the laptop/pc, watching a movie.....anything that you can do to move your thoughts from the anxiety.

I know this is easier said than done though. I really struggled with this, as I used to start watching a film, but that little anxiety worm would wriggle in again and I would burst into tears while watching. It takes a lot of strength and consistency to fight anxiety, but it is not impossible.

You must also keep telling yourself positive stuff, and stuff that chips away at the anxiety, like 'this is just anxiety'....'I can get rid of this'....'I will not feel this way forever'...'this is just a glitch'....etc...etc.

It really does help, stupid as it sounds.

I know it seems like this is with you forever now, but that is the negativity that anxiety breeds, nothing more. x:bighug1:

12-12-14, 20:59
Thank you so much for your words, it's funny because I can see myself writing what you did when I am in a better state. I have suffered for many years and am only 21, this is the worst I have been on three years so know I can be back to my normal bubbly self just frustrating that anxiety has this much control over me at the moment.

I feel a bit better now, and trying my hardest to keep my mind semi-calm.

Thank you x

---------- Post added at 20:59 ---------- Previous post was at 20:57 ----------

And yes I have therapy every two weeks and am on meds, but fear they may be losing their effects which is something I am going to look into :)

12-12-14, 21:04
Hi again,

No problem at all.

It is frustrating and scary to slip back again. Over the 10 years I have had GAD and panic attacks, I have slipped back several times over, even despite taking meds, and it scares me each time, but one advantage of this (if you can say there IS an advantage about having anxiety!) is that the more this happens, and the more times you come back from it, the better you feel as you realise and recognise that this is JUST ANXIETY rearing its head again, and know that you will feel better again soon. It does become far less scary over time.

Once you also find ways that work for you to manage it, that helps too. It doesn't matter what it is, be it breathing techniques or exercise, or distraction or whatever.

I look at anxiety as like being on a rollercoaster. Sometimes you have the ups and sometimes just when you are up, along comes a down period again. That is the most annoying thing about GAD, but you can and will get through it again.xx:hugs:

12-12-14, 23:54
Yes this is true, my past downs within the last few years I have handled much better as I have a better understanding but this time it's testing me as the thoughts are worse and hard to let go of and makes me very fuzzy minded of what the truth is. Thank you, support is a great help x

13-12-14, 00:38
I do understand what you mean.

I had a really bad patch last Winter. My anxiety came back and usually I am able to cope with it, but this time I really struggled and I was so anxious I couldn't even handle noise of any kind, my nerves were so bad. My neighbour was doing building work at the time, and I remember sitting in my bedroom with my hands clenched to my ears.

It took all my strength to get through it, and it is hard, but you can do it!

The truth is that you are STILL that bubbly person you describe, it is just anxiety playing it's tricks again. x:hugs::flowers: