View Full Version : Extreme fear of the big C...is it just reflux or...

12-12-14, 21:29
Hello everobody, please help.
I have been having this dry cough for months straight. Now it is a little better, I have to say, but I am still coughing. Recently, a slight nausea (especially when hungry) adds up to it, weird taste in my mouth (especially in the morning) and the feeling of having a lump in my throat. One day itīs all fine, the next itīs all bad and so it goes in a circle. The moment I think it is FINALLY over, here it comes again. I have been to my GP like 5 times and he thinks itīs reflux plus anx. But I am so scared itīs the big C... I am thirty, non smoker and only a very sporadic drinker, so I shouldnīt be worried (said my GP), but what if I am just one of those terribly unlucky ones? I have been having this for months now, it comes and it goes, but it never goes completely. And there are nights (like this one), when I am even too afraid to go to bed and turn the lights off. The moment I am alone with my thoughts, the panic hits hard. :( I am so tired of all this and so scared that this is it..:( I am afraid my GP just missed something.
Any reassuring words?

12-12-14, 22:10
Hi Majdle,

I've read similar posts by the hundreds. Reflux and stomach/bowel issues are a very common physical symptom to the anxiety sufferer. Everything you describe is spot on with what your doctor said and a very common physical symptom of anxiety. I have reflux issues and used to take a Zantac 150 2x a day and eat tums like candy. I finally was put on a good PPI and I haven't had an issue since. That and proper diet/nutrition has eliminated the issue. If you've not been prescribed one, ask your doctor and look into treating your anxiety as it just exasperates the stomach problems.

Positive thoughts

12-12-14, 22:20
Fishmanpa, you are so great. I have been reading some of your comments to other posts and you are my hero. I got prescribed some PPI, but I still havenīt figured out how to take them correctly. But itīs true that it got a lot better after that. But it is still not completely ok. :(